To All Mushroom Virgins...


Well-Known Member
Ahahahah so perfect. Exactly my experiences before.

Actually just got some spores in, waiting for a PC from a friend. Gonna use 2 10cc syringes for PF tek and 1 for a popcorn grain spawn for g2g to bulk later :D This will be my first time cultivating. Looks easier than ganja lol

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
Sclerotia isn't a mushroom it's a truffle.Not in the true meaning of truffle but very similar.The longer they are left alone the more potent they become.
well u should be extra careful with dose then haha, u could say "yeah fuck it lets trip balls" but then, within an hour "yo im trippin real good man haha" but after a hour and a half, BOOOM

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
walk in the bathroom and everything turns right yellow and everything starts spinning and curving and you swear the room is rotating around your house like the earth going around the sun, your swearing in anxiety but smiling in euphoria, mind running at a 100 miles a minute, sweet jesus, last time i take a high dose of shrooms by myself


Well-Known Member
Haha everyone's invited! Haha do you think virtual trip parties are anything like the real deal!? Haha we think we're so connected with all this "social media" yet we are becoming Less "human" because of our lack of ACTUAL Human interaction and relationships. Delete your Facebook come to the light!
Good question!
i took a trip to an island last last summer with 3 homies
.. even bought a boat and canoe for my buddies birthday. We made an insane menu full of ribeye and fruit, and camped and fished on this multilevel island
Eventually after almost sinking both boats we arrived..

We rode out a storm and next day..

We Took ayahuasca and envies..100 gram chocolate bars packed with zoomers

One bro shit his pants literally, all night, and faced his fear of freezing to death
Screamed all night like a wailing seal

Another talked to the trees and ether/airborne bacteria all night, and when asked to help "dying homie" just laughed and resumed talking to trees..the next day he was "reborn" and instantly made huge career changes, happier than ever

The homie who popped M as well scoured the whole island for fire wood and berries, for like 6 hours, all night, in the dark, and kept the fire going and even dragged our stinky freezing bro to warm rocks..

and me, I was so high on envies I couldn't move, just had to sit back, in the tent, close my eyes and witness the immaculate 4D videos playing inside my head,,despite the most insane sky full of shooting stars I chose to watch movies in my head.. They were more wild and colourful than anything I'd seen, I was appalled

All 4 of our experiences overlapped yet remained vastly different, and seperate, despite being isolated on an island together with no phones for the duration of the weekend

At the same time, I've heard buddies describe the exact same hallucination so go figure. Amazing