[quote="schoolie, post: 40881"]I know in CA you can indeed sell to the club, both weed and clones, I would NOT sell the club weed for it is not worth it they pay very low for the weed, about half of what they sell it for.[/quote]
I wouldn't recomend buying any from them here either. Never got any from there any good. ALL SHIT!
[quote]Clones though, there is much more money in clones, they pay 5-7 bucks a healthy clone. If you get a few big mother plants you can bring in lots of clones every week. I know a few people in my area that supply the club with a ton of clones and make alot of money doing this.[/quote][/quote]
As far as selling to the club, I haven't called yet, (I will today) but I did read prop 215 and it made sale of weed illegal. There may have been ammendments since then, but I still think that you would need a special kind of club card to get around selling legaly to anyone. The government always wants their cut, you know I'm not wrong about that at least?!:blsmoke:
Under the law, an immature clone is different than selling weed.