to all the growers who have


Well-Known Member
my best friends older brother said if u got a medical card to grow weed u could take the bud u get from your plant and take it to the medical weed place and they will buy your bud from u is this true?because my uncle is getting a medical weed card
I believe you are correct Meat. The cards give you the right to grow up to a limit, and have certain amounts in your possesion. But it specificly states that selling it is still absolutely illegal. Realy now, do you think the government would let us come up? It'll never happen!:hump:
we not comeing up we the medical grower grow the bud sell it to the medical club for less money then they resell it thats what i herd cuzz my friend uncle grows for the club people grow for the club to keep the clubs stocked cuzz the demand for bud is so high medical marijuana people then rebuy that bud so it like a cycle thats what i have herd but i live in california i herd it from a pritty reliable source
In Oregon that would be illegal. You can donate your extra. I would bet that California is about the same. If the government allowed you to sell even to them that is opening a whole other can of worms.
I know in CA you can indeed sell to the club, both weed and clones, I would NOT sell the club weed for it is not worth it they pay very low for the weed, about half of what they sell it for. Clones though, there is much more money in clones, they pay 5-7 bucks a healthy clone. If you get a few big mother plants you can bring in lots of clones every week. I know a few people in my area that supply the club with a ton of clones and make alot of money doing this.
[quote="schoolie, post: 40881"]I know in CA you can indeed sell to the club, both weed and clones, I would NOT sell the club weed for it is not worth it they pay very low for the weed, about half of what they sell it for.[/quote]
I wouldn't recomend buying any from them here either. Never got any from there any good. ALL SHIT!
[quote]Clones though, there is much more money in clones, they pay 5-7 bucks a healthy clone. If you get a few big mother plants you can bring in lots of clones every week. I know a few people in my area that supply the club with a ton of clones and make alot of money doing this.[/quote][/quote]
As far as selling to the club, I haven't called yet, (I will today) but I did read prop 215 and it made sale of weed illegal. There may have been ammendments since then, but I still think that you would need a special kind of club card to get around selling legaly to anyone. The government always wants their cut, you know I'm not wrong about that at least?!:blsmoke:
Under the law, an immature clone is different than selling weed.