To all the kids who get pulled over!


Active Member
Ok I wanted to start this thread because I know to many people that get pulled over that have bud in the car this that and the other. DO NOT TELL ON YOUR SELF YOU HAVE TO KNOW YOUR RIGHTS!

Ok I realize laws are different everywhere but in the US.

Ok if you are in a car with your friends and you know one of them has bud like in their pocket or whatever they have posecission of mary jane. Then the cop is going to ask you whatever he wants. If he for some reason thinks drugs are involved you are do not have to tell on YOUR FRIENDS!!!!!!!!! Just answer the cops questions as in if you dont have bud then in your mind you dont know of anyone that has bud BLAH BLAH BLAH. If he wants to search your car say I DO NOT CONSENT TO ANY SEARCHES. Cops do not like this exspecially with kids because kids usually get so scared and piss their pants and tell on them selves people that is why we go to court this that and the other. COPS CAN LIE AND MANIPULATE YOU. It is their job.

But like I was saying once he or she asks to serach your car you simple say no and they will say some bullshit like ok well we will make a call to the magistrative office THATS A LOAD OF POOPY hahah their trying to trick you to tell on your self.

BUT GUYS AND GIRLS this will not work at all if you just got done blazing in your car. LOL THAT GIVES HIM probablly cause.

SERIOUSLY though if you can avoid bringing it in your car it will save you lots of money and bud.



Well-Known Member
my cars smells like a tree.
it just is how it is.
i rarely carry bud on me, I just enjoy smoking out my car :)


Active Member
Yeah same here its nice cruzin a blunt of dank with some good rap music. Or whatever your taste is in music. But I did this because I know so many people that have told on themselves and its sad.


Well-Known Member
Always keep your bud in a sealed glass jar hidden from view. And NEVER consent to a search or answer any of their stupid questions. If they have the right to search your car they are not going to ask you they are just going to remove you from the car and search it.

If you do get arrested, NEVER agree to ANYTHING and insist on calling a lawyer. BTW, only the County Prosecutor has the authority to offer a deal - cops don't even have the authority to "go easy on you" because it's not their call.

If cops insist on asking you a bunch of BS about where you have been or are going or what you have in your car just ask them if you are free to go. If they continue just ask them why you were pulled over and tell them politely but firmly that you don't think those questions are necessary. You can also politely say "I'm going to decline answering any questions."

Just know this - every question is designed to trick you into incriminating yourself. There is nothing you can say that will help your cause, but a lot you can say that will hurt it. See the "don't talk to police" videos on Youtube.


Well-Known Member
do you have to say anything?

i mean even if they ask you how fast you were going, you don't have to say anything right?

you just have to follow their orders.

what if you said nothing during the whole traffic stop?