to all those on fire.....


Well-Known Member
it's global warmings fault they say the temp has raised one degree overall and that's causing it..
they also said it was our own fault because we have done such a great job of forest fire prevention in the last century..


Well-Known Member
it's global warmings fault they say the temp has raised one degree overall and that's causing it..
they also said it was our own fault because we have done such a great job of forest fire prevention in the last century..
For one, I agree, it has SOME part to do with global warming...the planet is causing more fires to itself to cool it down and to restore it's forests. But it's MOSTLY the fault of humans for building in such an area that forest fires are common. I only feel bad for the people who were suckered into living there. And one of our conservation mehtods is to start controlled forest fires all over the country, in specific area. I'm tryna get that job.

rob the pothead

Active Member
Man, your never gonna be somewhere were there is no risks. If it's not earthquakes, fires, hurricanes, tsunamis, golden showers, massive bongs hits, tornadoes, i mean the list goes on and on. Yea so we're not supposed to live in one of the best cities in the world becuase there's a chance of fire? Fire can happen ANYwhere.


Well-Known Member
one of the best cities in the world?'s where fires are SUPPOSED to happen. there's not an abundance of places like that.


God damn it the fires sure does makes breathing suck, my eyes have been burning for days, temperature jump of 20 degree, and my drying weed is drying out to fast now. Bullshit fires. At lest my area is safe though. Some local politician on the news is talking about how this is the day of recoining.


Well-Known Member
they're dropping fire retardant with DC-10's. frickin' huge passenger planes clipping the tree tops with it's wings. frickin' amazing. dumped about a 3 mile stretch of red hope in one shot. turn on CNN or something.


Well-Known Member
It was so hot last night and the smell of forrest fire was so strong that I didn't sleep hardly at all. I passed out at about 4am. Today seems to be better.