To any Rhode Island Medicinal Marijuana Patients

I think it was the negetive approach u took at that time that gut us all pissed. keep in mind not everyones set up is amazing . im one to talk, but i feel like i can say whatever i feel like, if u agree cool if not thats cool too. we are all here for the same purpose, to grow. Back when i read that post i had no clue about the reality of optimal conditions and what u get from them. The fifty a o things alittle too low, it seems like every harvest now i reinvest the money right back in and pa bills but someday i hope i dont have to purchase more equipment but that time isn't now. Put out some pics, talk to people we probley can help u. Hell ive givin away clones for free a few times now. Unfortunatley it has to be on my terms, right before i move the veg to the flowering room. When u work as a group u will always be stronger than by yourself. Anyways bullshit aside if u need a hand or opinion let us know fuck we are all Rhode Islanders, and im damn proud of it.
That's the whole reason I threw up the first post just help and advice to others and for myself. I surf the forums everyday trying to learn to make myself better.

Its not so much I have problems growing I got that going pretty welll now. Just need better genetics. I just spent over hundo at nirvana over a month ago and I had to call because I still haven't received anything. I'm on the second shipment of seeds right now and its been two weeks still nothing. So I've been trying to get better genetics but just haven't had any luck even on my own or finding someone.

My set up is no where near amazing either just all diy and money invested still nothing compared to others shit. I still have plenty I need to buy to finish my perpetual cycle and everything be professional.

Here's a link to my new system I'm building for all phases vegging and flowering.
Looks fine aeroponics works well just with the unit you have youll just want fast strains do to how close those sites are. I went thru additude for my seeds came in a week, we even had them go thru customs in the same packaging, had no issue at all. Nirvana ive heard has a bunch of issues.
Yah that lids not staying on there. Or might leave that as the cloner and just make more seeing I got 5 or 6 to make depending what I do for veg times and flowering times when and if I get some new plants.

Ill be continuing to clone in the two in net cups and from there I move them to 6 in net baskets with hydroton for stability. I did it with just the two in net cups and building a support system and all that but I was just letting them grow no training. Now I'm scrogging them to try and get the best I can out of it and see what I can do.

So with the two in net pots I just remove the neoprene fill it with hydroton and put it in the basket as one. A lot easier and needed for scrog so the plant has a stable base.
Im not shre what kind of strains your running but if there quick strains 8 weeks or less thats fine for them. If you have the room, 8 feer cielings and atleast 10 by 10 floor space. I'd suggest my way only cause your already doing hydro. Go to youtube and search my video, ebb and grow r.i. drink guinness. Alot of the stuff you can get at lowes cheap, the tubing and connections u can get online and suposibly the brain u can make fromm job lot but to be honest ill spend the buck fifty to have it 100% correct. Check it out might show u a diffrent approach.
I have a local grow shop that sells everything. I just don't do ebb and flow do to buying coco or rock wool all the time. Same as why I don't do dirt I don't like buying all that dirt all the time. Water is free and I think the maintence and time spent taking care of your plants is cut in half.

Also because I grow out of one room and keep a perpetual cycle I have seperate tents for all three flowering stages and another veg tent.

This way I can keep the plants in darkness for 36hrs with out having to move anything because all the plants are in the same flowering area.
I'm a caregiver in RI. I only charge patients what they can afford. My medicine is always A+. Charging 350 an OZ is a crime. That's like charging 60 dollars for a dozen tomatoes. Go ahead and get rich. But do it fast because your going to kill your own revenue by doing so. Maybe some unfortunate people will have to use "compassion" centers, But I will do my best to spread as much MaryJ love as possible and let anyone that needs top quality meds get it without taking it in the ass!
Evo if you need better genetics I can gift a few clones your way. Just pm me and we can set up a meeting or we can meet at the RIPAC meeting on tues.
No, I don't even know you and why would you want to meet me? You're being pretty sketchy man,.
To Evo: yah I agree with dli324 I dont think its a good idea to falsify some of the information that your giving out on here..1st off its wrong, second people do see what you type so just be carefull. Another thing I'm a caregiver in RI and I honestly dont even know what the word sell is because really in all honesty this license is a privelage to help people with debilitating diseases, so therefore we should NOT under any circumstance be making any money whatsoever..I mean I think I charge my patient from 60-100 an OZ..but thats for all my time, nutrients,soil,pots,etc...This is a movement man!! If you believe in the truth behind cannabis and the wonders it can do as a medicine then I'm with you..But if all you wanna do is make money and get high..your missing the point of the movement!!


this is what I'm saying we the disabled are low income and dont have money like that. if you could email me so we can develop a p/c relationship. my email [email protected]
No, I don't even know you and why would you want to meet me? You're being pretty sketchy man,.

lbh i don't have time for paranoid sketchy people. if your doing something wrong fly right. i am a patient 100% disabled with ri mm card. if you choose not to meet withme fine. just don't be overbearing with your paranoia, i'm in too much pain already.
lbh i don't have time for paranoid sketchy people. if your doing something wrong fly right. i am a patient 100% disabled with ri mm card. if you choose not to meet withme fine. just don't be overbearing with your paranoia, i'm in too much pain already.

You need to check yourself. I understand you are in pain but that, by no means, gives you the right to assume I'm paranoid or doing business in any way other than legally. You see,......a caregiver has to have the patients REGISTERED with them to be able to sell them meds. They are allowed 5. Most, if not all here, already have their 5 so they cannot help you. They can, perhaps, offer suggestions to how you might find a caregiver but again, don't come here and tell me I'm paranoid, I've been helping people set up properly , as a business, for 4 years now. Just because you are a patient, with a card, does not mean you can approach people and ask them to sell you weed, there is a LEGAL protocol and I for one, follow it. I'm sorry, I know you're in pain, many of us are, but I think YOU are the one who needs to fly right.
You need to check yourself. I understand you are in pain but that, by no means, gives you the right to assume I'm paranoid or doing business in any way other than legally. You see,......a caregiver has to have the patients REGISTERED with them to be able to sell them meds. They are allowed 5. Most, if not all here, already have their 5 so they cannot help you. They can, perhaps, offer suggestions to how you might find a caregiver but again, don't come here and tell me I'm paranoid, I've been helping people set up properly , as a business, for 4 years now. Just because you are a patient, with a card, does not mean you can approach people and ask them to sell you weed, there is a LEGAL protocol and I for one, follow it. I'm sorry, I know you're in pain, many of us are, but I think YOU are the one who needs to fly right.

well, well barney fife that was some speech. i never suggested you were doing anything illegal u again are making the assumption. just because the terminology was not to your suiting doen't give you the right to read the riot act. thsts the problem dudley doo right, you gt offended and then get on your soap box. watch it watch what? I did not threaten you and you by all means are no threat. paranoia assumptions, preconceived assessments all the same to me. you seem to also answer for alot of people.

******************************* tell me everyone does LBH speak for you.**************
well, well barney fife that was some speech. i never suggested you were doing anything illegal u again are making the assumption. just because the terminology was not to your suiting doen't give you the right to read the riot act. thsts the problem dudley doo right, you gt offended and then get on your soap box. watch it watch what? I did not threaten you and you by all means are no threat. paranoia assumptions, preconceived assessments all the same to me. you seem to also answer for alot of people.

******************************* tell me everyone does LBH speak for you.**************

When it comes to this stuff, yes I do. Many understand I've been involved with this stuff from the beginning, including working with the oversight committee on the legislature. I'm extremely active within the community and have probably been in more grow rooms than anyone in the state but regardless,... Do you hear anyone objecting? Quite the opposite, the "likes" counter keeps clicking. I'll ask one last time, deal with me respectfully or don't, it's your call, but you'll only hear crickets if this is to be your attitude towards those trying to set you straight. Your call, I can easily move on.