To burp or not to burp during curing

Never said that those points don't exist. I think though that there's far more science into your way to go for drying then any other process I came up to.
What do you think of the paper bag method? If I'm not missing anything when the buds are inside the bag,they are still drying but they release their moisture more slowly. Is this process going to mess with the equalization process?

Why would you want to dry more slowly - the bud is made up of cells and they release moisture at the correct rate in a large range of temps and humidities.

It is not the speed the bud dries at as bacteria and enzymes complete all processes exactly the same wether it takes five days or seven. Some perpetuate the idea that slower dried bud is superior but that falls foul of whats actually happening.

Still dry is merely that and a bit harsh to smoke, give it a week and it smooths out as theres a lot of processes that play out in the second week. Some say it overdries but were at equalization so that wont occur - shitly grown bud will have less than perfect cells and cell walls and is prone to overdrying and there is nothing you can do but grow better bud.

And back to the drying speed, to slow it simply move to somewhere slightly cooler, we all own or rent dwellings and its the 21st century so this isnt hard either and would be better advice than paper bags.

Bud will reach a variety of equalization points, mine is always a touch more pliable in the rainy weeks and way easier to grind in the summer months - no one can escape the small fluctations.

The science is to all ways not just the hang dry but you need to know this to get more technical :-)
My understanding is you burp your jars a few times for two to three weeks to allow the release of Chlorophyll giving off the hay smell. The fresh O2 is to release those gasses until the living cells deep inside the bud where there is still moisture can break down all sugar stores! This will lead to a much tastier bud. Once you maintain a steady 55%ish your bud should be ready to stay sealed.
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I’m old school, no hygrometer I know what I’m looking for. I burp twice daily, 5 min at a time at first, by the end of two weeks it’s just open and close more or less. Buds are good to go after 14 days.
I’m old school, no hygrometer I know what I’m looking for. I burp twice daily, 5 min at a time at first, by the end of two weeks it’s just open and close more or less. Buds are good to go after 14 days.
Same here.I use a paper bag after hanging.Smoke mellows out nicely.
I’m old school, no hygrometer I know what I’m looking for. I burp twice daily, 5 min at a time at first, by the end of two weeks it’s just open and close more or less. Buds are good to go after 14 days.
Exactly u know when bud is ready i feel far too many people over complicate it curing is easy once u get it down

My understanding is you burp your jars a few times for two to three weeks to allow the release of Chlorophyll giving off the hay smell. The fresh O2 is to release those gasses until the living cells deep inside the bud where there is still moisture can break down all sugar stores! This will lead to a much tastier bud. Once you maintain a steady 55%ish your bud should be ready to stay sealed.
Pretty much but i think can take longer than two weeks to get all the chlorophyll outta it ig it comes down to how fast the bacteria etc all eat it thats why we cure in the dark as well its not just to prevent degradation its for the bacteria and such too bud
When u first seal up buds, the hygrometer won’t reach its true level of RH for a couple of days….at least that’s been my case.
The purpose of burping is exchange the air and to dry the buds just a little more……and it’s often needed because the buds will sweat, which means the moisture will redistribute from the bud’s center outward.
if u feel like you’ve dried them to a finish level, seal things up for 36-48 hours, then open the container and spread them out evenly. At a minimum U should notice the outside being a touch more moist. Let em sit out for 30-60mm and seal back up. Do this a couple times and u should be golden.
I should point out that the temp/rh in the room where u lay them out, shouldn’t be excessive…..cooler with comfortable rh is good….so 60-65f and 45-50rh.
It’s important to spread the buds out as they can clump together and moisture can become almost trapped/concentrated, which is not good.
Exactly u know when bud is ready i feel far too many people over complicate it curing is easy once u get it down

Pretty much but i think can take longer than two weeks to get all the chlorophyll outta it ig it comes down to how fast the bacteria etc all eat it thats why we cure in the dark as well its not just to prevent degradation its for the bacteria and such too bud
Definitely, I'm 2 weeks into my first cure and I can still smell chlorophyll.
Definitely, I'm 2 weeks into my first cure and I can still smell chlorophyll.
Its like 4 weeks or more i think sure it can be ok a bit early but to be what it should be yeah takes a lil more time some things also are better with a longer cure usually more sativa ended stuff i find mind you theres the odd indica line that suits it too i guess it also comes down to the terps too anything high in sesquiterps is gonna store better for longer anyway vs anything with lots of volatile monoterpenes will be better fresher
I always burped...but, I saw a vid from How Weed Grow (nice play on "How We'd Grow"!) where the guy got a large tub, put in the open jars and a small humidifier and dehumidifier, set them to make the balance 58 - 62 pct, put the lid on, and walked away. Every couple days, reach in and "cycle" the nugs in the jars (and then huff your hands, lol).
Ehy guys! I would like to ask,since around I hear people saying that you have to burp a few minutes everyday even in the cure zone and some other suggest to keep the jar's lid closed. What do you guys suggest me to do If I have a consistent 62-55 % RH in the jars?
Thinking about it, it doesn't make much of a sense burping it if the RH doesn't spike up. Don't I risk to lower the RH inside and maybe risk to get too low on the humidity?
The only thing that comes in mind is to open the jara maybe to move the buds a little?
Yeah I would open it up in the morning for 5 minutes to release chlorophyll and allow fresh air in to combat mold. Then the same at night for the 1st week. Then once or twice a week no more than 2 to 3 weeks. Hay smell should be gone and terps preserved. There are living cells with stored chlorophyll deep inside the bud where there is still moisture. This is what creates the hay smell. A proper cure will release that last little bit so that the genetics of the plant can reach it's full potential and smell.
Just for the record, it's enzymes and aerobic bacteria that break down and help release the sugars, starches from your weed. These processes are dependent upon oxygen, and why we burp during cure. And @Budzbuddha when you going to open a dispensery? You'd have to call it " The Outhouse" lol. You'd get all the tree hugging dirt foot business lol.
My bad. I'm still a newbie. Just been reading a lot. Lol
Just for the record, it's enzymes and aerobic bacteria that break down and help release the sugars, starches from your weed. These processes are dependent upon oxygen, and why we burp during cure. And @Budzbuddha when you going to open a dispensery? You'd have to call it " The Outhouse" lol. You'd get all the tree hugging dirt foot business lol.

Here's a related post. I'm guessing it easier to measure the co2 that displaces oxygen, rather than a direct measurement of oxygen?

Anyway, I've had good results with 2-3 weeks in a tent controlled to 60F (16C) and 60% RH by an AC Infinity fan/controller, then into Grove bags. I don't recall if it's on their web site or youtube, but I seem to remember something about them being permeable to oxygen.
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