Hi All!
After having received my cool tube in the post yesterday, smashed, I am now wondering whether I need to air cool my little 150w HID at all. The dimensions of the space are 49x43x125, and the space has 2 passive intakes and is venting through a filter and 125mm inline fan.
I was thinking about switching to envirolites, but I got a 150w HID so cheap from DIY store, that I feel I should use it. I just need a reflector now.
Could any 150w users let me know how hot the little devils get? I only have experience with 400w+.
Thanks for any ideas on the 150 watter...Gutted about my cooltube, but acutally, I don't think it would have fit anyway (diagonal is 68cm).
After having received my cool tube in the post yesterday, smashed, I am now wondering whether I need to air cool my little 150w HID at all. The dimensions of the space are 49x43x125, and the space has 2 passive intakes and is venting through a filter and 125mm inline fan.
I was thinking about switching to envirolites, but I got a 150w HID so cheap from DIY store, that I feel I should use it. I just need a reflector now.
Could any 150w users let me know how hot the little devils get? I only have experience with 400w+.
Thanks for any ideas on the 150 watter...Gutted about my cooltube, but acutally, I don't think it would have fit anyway (diagonal is 68cm).