To flower or not to flower that is the question


ok simple question do u think i should keep this going for en extra 2 weeks or just start to flower there's about 2 and a half foot or height space left any higher and light would be to close.its a indica strain not sure what kind tho and i'm growing it under a 250watt hps.any comments would be great


Active Member
flower it in 1-2 weeks if that 250w hps is just for that plant and i have found that indica's tend to double in size and sativas triple in size, how old is the plant and whats it height of it from the soil?


Be patient and wait like windowgrower said u wont get that much from it if you start flowering now. You could also tie the plant down as it grows if hight is an issue.


yeah i think i'll keep it in veg for now maybe double it in height at mo then flower..another 2 weeks should get it there then mr bushy will be ready to flower and fill out with lots of lovely buds.its just growing node number 9 now


Well-Known Member
So your plant is just over 4 weeks and you want to flower already? Hells no! haha I have my plants growing, and it's been 7 weeks and I plan on taking them to like 8-9 weeks veg, before I let them flower. I want them to be developing well :)

Trust me, it's REALLY worth the wait. You'll get more bud, and your plants will be stronger, healthier (provided you don't screw them over in any way) and more resiliant :)

Good luck :)