To flower or not to flower?

Dr. Frescho

Ey friends, probably a silly question, but i'm wondering if i should start to flower those 2 girls with 5 weeks each.

The reason why i'm wonderin so much is because i've recently transplanted the pot (about 10 days ago) from a 11L to a 26L smartpot. So my main concern is if i switch it to flower now, they both will reduce root growth, leading to a pot too big for the roots they have.
Resulting in a plant that can't really reach the water that i give to the pot.

This is my frist grow, i'm just tryin to figure out if this could be a serious problem.... just let me know what i should do thx xd

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Well-Known Member
I would trim out the lower growth under the screen to provide good air flow through the canopy and give it another week personally. You can keep weaving the branches through the screen and spreading them out for the first week or 2 after you switch your lights to 12/12 usually and that will help maintain that nice even canopy.

Dr. Frescho

Ok i trimmed more under growth,but i flowered them already, cause the screen is almost full and there is new growth coming up.For the rest i'll do as you suggested thanks