To flush or not to flush


I have been reading around about flushing in the last three weeks .And I seen a lot of ppl say it’s a myth just want to get some opinions on this


Well-Known Member
Just search, you can read threads on this topic until your eyes bleed. Everyone has an opinion. Heres mine, you want to see the plants starting to lose the dark green in the leaves so theres not a lot of nitrogen left in the plant when its time to cure it. You can achieve that many ways. You can flush it for a few weeks if needed or if you time things right and start tapering down the nitrogen and other fertilizers properly then its not necessay to flush. But what I would advise against is fertilizing heavily all the way to harvest, especially with nitrogen.

When you use water soluable salt based fertilizer, the plant doesnt have to do any work to absorb it. It just gets sucked into the roots. So you can absolutely overdo it with these feetilizers. So if you are going to use a bottle of synthetic fertilizer, I would suggest cutting way back or off completely a week or more before harvest.
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Logan Burke

Well-Known Member
Being in hydroponics, all I do is run clean water the last 3-5 days before harvest...if in soil, I'd simply stop feeding a week or two before harvest and water as usual. Things like phosphorous, once actually inside the buds, is near impossible to flush out. Like Nirvana said, if you haven't overfed routinely with your plants, you can get by just fine without doing any actual flush. Just water the plant clean water as she needs it. I think that flushing is only needed when there is an over-abundance of something in the media. We don't flush any other crop or plant in the world like conventional wisdom suggests that we should with cannabis.
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In my experience flushing is a myth. I’ve done it several ways. Nutes till the end, just water for the last 2 weeks, and adding a flush solution to the water for the last 2 weeks.

In the buds I had you couldn’t tell any difference in taste, but the plants that only had water or a flush for the last 2 weeks didn’t produce as much yield.

The only time you should need to flush is if you’re using systemics like Spinosad or Azamax. You don’t want those kinds of chemicals lingering around in your buds.


Well-Known Member
Flushing removes nothing from the plants themselves and robs nutrients at a critical point in the bud growth. Many if not most strains really pack on the weight in the last couple of weeks and need something to fuel that.

I'm trying organic growing on some plants now and managed to burn the crap out of them so flushed some RO water thru to lower the nute level and the new growth is looking better. No bottled nutes either. Just commercial composted sheep and steer manure with earth worm castings, myco and some molasses to feed the myco in a base of ProMix HP that has no nutes in it. Burning started a couple days after watering in the molasses and a buddy that does no-till organics really well figures the molasses kicked the myco into high gear causing the burn. Makes sense to me so back to soilless and 3-part nutes for those girls.

Good article here about flushing and lots more about all sorts of aspects about growing under their 'Grow Info' tab.