To flush, or not to.

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Well-Known Member
So there’s no problem with your plant you just WANT to flush? Does that even sound logical?
Im not saying to flush your plants all the time. Im talking during three different scenarios. The first is if there is a nute lockout, second is during time of switching to flower stage, and the third is at the last two weeks of life.

Ukulele Haze

Well-Known Member
Yeah I know it's weird. I read all kinds of junk online about flushing in phases like that. Even the nutrient manufacturer I go with recommends multiple flushes throughout the grow. But, my personal experience has shown it to be very unnecessary. What can I do? Report my findings, I s'pose.

Doug Dawson

Well-Known Member
I am flushing to remove extra nutes to prevent nute lockout for the flowering stage. I hope that makes sense
Ok, I see what you are thinking but if you are feeding correctly than there is no need. The fact is that if you don't have a nute lockout at present than going to your bloom nutes won't cause one. The only time a flush is needed is when you mess up the feedings and from what you said in the original post you have no issues and have been feeding to runoff so no need to flush anything IMO. When you feed to runoff every day you are pushing out buildups and extra nutes, that is the purpose of runoff. Most times when folks need to flush it is because they overfeed feeling more is better or don't feed to runoff allowing buildups. Seems to me you have saved yourself from flushing by feeding properly.


Well-Known Member
The Science says flushing doesn't do anything.

My last plant wasn't flushed and I was sadly disappointed by it. I have the exact same plant still, revegged, and this time I'm going to flush to see if there's any difference.

Do what ever you want to do, it's your plant.


Well-Known Member
Unless you've been over feeding, I see no reason to flush. If you had lockout last go around, then I think you'd be better off addressing that as part of the feeding schedule, not by adding flushes to the mix. Are you seeing signs of overfeeding? I think flushes have their place, but flushing just in case isn't one of them.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
If you took the time to actually check my stance on flushing, you would see my current plan of flushing this round is the outlier.

I'm hardcore anti-flushing because I am(was) a scientist and fully trust in the scientific method for the study I read on flushing but would love to see taste and burn differences for myself.

The last sentence of my previous post is the kicker and should apply to everyone.

Do whatever you want to do. It's your plant.

I would like to add;

Listen to and understand the science but still test for yourself. It's alright to be skeptical, that's how science works.
Good luck

you got this ...


Well-Known Member
I flushed my plants but forgot to pH or add calmag, I am so fucking fucked, do I reflush out the bad water with calmag at ph6.5 or leave them and hope they survive the last two weeks?


Well-Known Member
I'll say it one more time.... nature doesn't flush the last couple weeks. Should we start flushing our food crops the last couple weeks before harvest?


Well-Known Member
Ok, I see what you are thinking but if you are feeding correctly than there is no need. The fact is that if you don't have a nute lockout at present than going to your bloom nutes won't cause one. The only time a flush is needed is when you mess up the feedings and from what you said in the original post you have no issues and have been feeding to runoff so no need to flush anything IMO. When you feed to runoff every day you are pushing out buildups and extra nutes, that is the purpose of runoff. Most times when folks need to flush it is because they overfeed feeling more is better or don't feed to runoff allowing buildups. Seems to me you have saved yourself from flushing by feeding properly.
I now have a nute lockout issue once again. I have been watering until runoff and only started nutes last week. Only fed them once with a 1/4 dose of recommended nutrients. So now idk. Im getting a ph and tds tester soon. I dont understand why this keeps happening. I even changed things from last grow. Im using fox farm happy frog as well as the fox farm trio. I just flushed them yesterday because I was going to do it anyway, plus I started seeing the deficiencies. It looks like its beginning a calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus deficiency in one of the plants. Same issue as last time.


Well-Known Member
I now have a nute lockout issue once again. I have been watering until runoff and only started nutes last week. Only fed them once with a 1/4 dose of recommended nutrients. So now idk. Im getting a ph and tds tester soon. I dont understand why this keeps happening. I even changed things from last grow. Im using fox farm happy frog as well as the fox farm trio. I just flushed them yesterday because I was going to do it anyway, plus I started seeing the deficiencies.
You’re a compulsive flusher. Until you get that under control you will struggle.


Well-Known Member
I now have a nute lockout issue once again. I have been watering until runoff and only started nutes last week. Only fed them once with a 1/4 dose of recommended nutrients. So now idk. Im getting a ph and tds tester soon. I dont understand why this keeps happening. I even changed things from last grow. Im using fox farm happy frog as well as the fox farm trio. I just flushed them yesterday because I was going to do it anyway, plus I started seeing the deficiencies. It looks like its beginning a calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus deficiency in one of the plants. Same issue as last time.
Try ph'd ro water with cal mag only. In using happy frog and I tried nuting, they got N toxic. Started using ro water with cal mag and they're green again.
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