To have or have not...humidity during the flowering stage?


What's up everyone...I'm a person with some knowledge and have always been opened minded. This is not another thread seeking if I have the correct RH or not...I'm currently in the 4th week of the flowering stage (indoor).

To my understanding, humidity is ideal and needs to be controlled based on various stages of the growth. I live in the desert where the humidity is always below 20% (unless it rains...this is how it is in the winter too). Somebody came at me with "ARE YOU SERIOUS?! DUDE THAT'S THE BIGGEST NO-NO...YOU NEED TO GET THAT HUMIDITY UP...THAT'S TOO LOW...TRUST ME...BLAH BLAH BLAH." (we both only have a few harvested experiance but I know we are no professionals...and he seems to toot his horn louder)

Anyways, In the quest to produce the best that my ladies can offer...I placed a humidifier in my tent and have brought the RH to around 40%. Temps bounce bewteen 73-78. The air is exchanged every 45mins for 15mins and it takes about 10 mins to restabilize back to the conditions mentioned above.

DID I DO A POSITIVE THING for the better yield/flavor/appearance OR SHOULD I REMOVE THE HUMIDIFIER AND LET THE RH DROP BACK DOWN? I have read in many forums that you want to drop the RH down towards the last two weeks to increase resin production...wouldn't it be better to flower below the 20% RH? The biggest threat to all is MOLD from high RH. Your thoughts are HIGHly appreciated...thanks in advance.



Cool, thanks for the quick response Pilgram. If anybody else think I made an improvment...please share your thoughts (it'll help me sleep better).


Well-Known Member
What's up everyone...I'm a person with some knowledge and have always been opened minded. This is not another thread seeking if I have the correct RH or not...I'm currently in the 4th week of the flowering stage (indoor).

To my understanding, humidity is ideal and needs to be controlled based on various stages of the growth. I live in the desert where the humidity is always below 20% (unless it rains...this is how it is in the winter too). Somebody came at me with "ARE YOU SERIOUS?! DUDE THAT'S THE BIGGEST NO-NO...YOU NEED TO GET THAT HUMIDITY UP...THAT'S TOO LOW...TRUST ME...BLAH BLAH BLAH." (we both only have a few harvested experiance but I know we are no professionals...and he seems to toot his horn louder)

Anyways, In the quest to produce the best that my ladies can offer...I placed a humidifier in my tent and have brought the RH to around 40%. Temps bounce bewteen 73-78. The air is exchanged every 45mins for 15mins and it takes about 10 mins to restabilize back to the conditions mentioned above.

DID I DO A POSITIVE THING for the better yield/flavor/appearance OR SHOULD I REMOVE THE HUMIDIFIER AND LET THE RH DROP BACK DOWN? I have read in many forums that you want to drop the RH down towards the last two weeks to increase resin production...wouldn't it be better to flower below the 20% RH? The biggest threat to all is MOLD from high RH. Your thoughts are HIGHly appreciated...thanks in advance.

Course you did the right thing 20% is no no good....45% now your lady's are sittin pretty


Course you did the right thing 20% is no no good....45% now your lady's are sittin pretty
@FootClan - why is 20% no good? What specifically was I going to prevent (or harm) in the flower stage? Wouldn't I have decreased the chances of mold and increased the resin production? I'm trying to get a better understanding on the variable effects of RH for the flowering stage.

@TheOrganic - I will definitely cut the humidifier out during the last 2 weeks (during the flush)


thanks for taking the time to read or respond...within the next 7 days, i'll let you guys know what i personally think. I will address any significant growth, aroma, resin production, texture, etc...any lil' detail and changes. I know my girls...i will notice the difference. So far it's been 2 days since the humidifier was added.

disclaimer - i'm crazy...where do i come up with this stuff?! It's all in my head...isn't it?


Well-Known Member
@FootClan - why is 20% no good? What specifically was I going to prevent (or harm) in the flower stage? Wouldn't I have decreased the chances of mold and increased the resin production? I'm trying to get a better understanding on the variable effects of RH for the flowering stage.

@TheOrganic - I will definitely cut the humidifier out during the last 2 weeks (during the flush)
Cannibas grows best in an environment that is mildly humid 40%-55% anything below that is not ideal condtions for what the plants likes.... I have text books i dont have the science of why memorized but i can go google it and copy and paste it or something here if you want.......I know that it can cause chronic wilt and necrosis of the leaf tips if spent too much time in too dry of climit... And Yes probably better to have it a lil dyer than a lil to humid but 40 is GREAT man dont fix it if it ant broke.... or in your case dont break it if its already fixed....


@FOOTCLAN - YES!! I LOVE YOUR ANSWER (especially the chronic wilt and necrosis part) need to google...Ive already tried for days and only ran into a lot of people saying "It's better to have a low humidity problem then a high humidity problem."...(I never thought it was a problem in the first place until my buddy adamantly pointed it out)

I have some literature myself (MGG by Mel Frank, IMH by J. Cervantes, bunch of High Times Articles, etc) but again, all the humidity information is related to the vegging stage.

Thanks FootClan (+reps to you buddy)


Well-Known Member
need higher humidity during veg..lower during flower...if it rh is too low during veg...the plant will transpire all of it water through the leaves making it dry up..wilt...a high rh during flower can lead to bud rot....i shoot around 60-65 for veg and 40-45 during the other guy said..i could get more technical...but im high..and its late


@djruiner - thanks bro, yeah I understand the humidity related to the veg cycle and how its processed. Its more the humidity related to the potency during the flowering cycle that I would like to be convinced about. As FootClan pointed out with chronic wilt and necrosis stuff...these are a couple things I definitey want to avoid and Im sure would effect the potency. Im going to see for myself in about 5 more days...will it be sticky-ickier? We shall see...


i also live in a dry arid environment. my humidity is never above 30% during flowering. I have had some extremely nice crops w/o ever worrying about the humidity at all.


@mred420 - yep, that was my feeling too...with previous crops. I figured we had the best RH for flowering...we'll see.


Well-Known Member is some info i found on how rh effects potency during flowering..hope this answers your question...Low humidity (below 60% during vegetative growth or below 40% during flowering) can stress plants. However,some growers swear by lowering the humidity as much as possible during the last several days of flowering, as this may promote increased resin production by the plant as it attempts to prevent excess moisture loss by sealing itself off from the dry surrounding environment with the good THC-packed sticky stuff.
the increase in resin should produce a higher thc level in the plant...least thats my theory


@DJRUINER - Thanks bro. At this point and from previous harvest, I have yet to experiance any visible signs of stress with RH of 20% or lower (during the flowering cycle) however as of day #3 with the humidifier, I am noticing a stronger sweeter aroma developing from the buds.

This is cool...I may be a person that didn't know any better but Im gathering good opinions, and information...also being able to witness a 7 day run (at the 4th/5th wks of flowering) to see the results for my own eyes. I'll post pics for you guys to see soon...


Well-Known Member
@FOOTCLAN - YES!! I LOVE YOUR ANSWER (especially the chronic wilt and necrosis part) need to google...Ive already tried for days and only ran into a lot of people saying "It's better to have a low humidity problem then a high humidity problem."...(I never thought it was a problem in the first place until my buddy adamantly pointed it out)

I have some literature myself (MGG by Mel Frank, IMH by J. Cervantes, bunch of High Times Articles, etc) but again, all the humidity information is related to the vegging stage.

Thanks FootClan (+reps to you buddy)
Glad i could help!


I'll be giving my thoughts about the added humidity in a few more days.


400W HP + 250W HP
4x4x6.5 GROW TENT (white lining)

Starting from the top left...




Hope this catches the attention to those that live in a low humid areas like the desert...(below 20% RH is cutting yourself short)

Bringing the RH level to approx 40-45% is a GOOD THING. My crop was in between the 4th & 5th week of the flowering cycle (under 20%) when I had added the humidifier. Within the first few days at 76F & 40-45% RH, the buds had a sweeter and stronger aroma...the large fan leaves became a really nice forest green and the blades were stretching even more towards the lights. The buds in between the nodes are filling very nicely and the tops are getting denser...and I did notice that the pistils are a lot fatter then normal!! Couldn't be happier...

All of the above may have still been achieved without the humidifier (during the flowering stage only) "BUT" if you maintain that 40%'ll make it that much better.

It was kinda like adding an extra cup of suger to my kool-aid (making it sweeter). ThankS to all those who chimed in when I was searching for opinions. Now I know...(dang I have to go to my homie and tell him he was right...fuck that HAHAHA)
