to late to plant???


just got my card and was wondering if it is possible to plant in the ground i can get some clones that are roughly 20 inches tall and the spot i want to do this in gets direct sunlight all day and was curious if its worth my time.

last year my nieghbor started around this time and had reasonable outcome


Well-Known Member
if there 20 inches tall already then i would. You ll get summit to smoke at the end which is the main thing. Even if there is no veg time left or running out.


Well-Known Member
You can still get a good yield if you start asap, thier is a thread by a user name angryblackman and he started with clones in a 5 gallon bucket since july 17 and with 6 plants mabe less he harvested 7 Oz thats more than enough for a personal stash. Going into the ground might give you more than him but you must start asap.


Well-Known Member
Oh and by the way he didnt use a 20 inch clone he used the 3-6 inch clones mabe the one you buy for 10$ so if your using 20 inch clones directly into the ground you can probably get double of what he got if you have 6 20 inch clones ofcourse lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah, stick'm in the ground. I have some extra clones about 16" that I'm planting today. Should get at least an ounce a piece, maybe more.


i already had plants that were planted in another location and i ended up diging them up and transplanting at my house all were succesfull ater about three days it was like nothing happend at all they are about three feet high and about 18-24 inches in diameter they are doing good now.