to lime or not to lime


Well-Known Member
Sup guy's and gal's i been hiking the woods all day picking out spots for my ladies.I found a few maybe's and few for sure's i like to plant one per hole and keep them spread out.

I turned over a couple holes today and added some extra's to it.Well on this one location i was at the ph was running right around 7.0,most of the ground around here is in the high 5's on average.Should i have went ahead and limed the hole that tested at 7.0 i mean i did but wasn't sure if i should have i hope it'll be ok because it's a great spot very secluded and remote nice and sunny and best of all the helicopters goin have to be right on top of it to see it.The earth is nice and black and got that good smell to it,even for all the rain we have had the hole turned over nicely.
Anyone who has grown outdoors know what i mean you just pull up your shovel and roll it over and the dirt falls apart all nice fluffy no chunks to chop up.

Shit guy's i'm gettin way off sorry just had a good day in the woods



Well-Known Member
My holes are 3x3 bout 18 to 24 inches deep think a cup per hole is alright i still havent put plants in them was goin wait two more weeks turn them over again and finish with additives when i put plants in.

Bobby Fuse

Active Member
wow, sounds cool to just grow outdoors like that. what if someone came by and took em? are you that secluded?


Well-Known Member
wow, sounds cool to just grow outdoors like that. what if someone came by and took em? are you that secluded?
BAD VIBES BRO....joking yea i have had my shit stolen before by the cops and by thieves

i just plant enough for them and


Well-Known Member
NAW i wouldn't do that a kid might wander by or something i do have camera's up nowadays though and i would either give an ass whippin or send pic's to law and tell them i found pot on my property and put a camera on it to catch them...lmao


Well-Known Member
amounts of perlite would you use some of my holes are alot reddish clay looking dirt
ten maybe fifteen percent. clay is poor soil and not good for growing mary jane. I grow in peat and perlite only with lime. Its called pro-mix. homedepot has a good kinda call sunshine mix number 4. 25 dollars will go a long way as it has lime and perlite mixed in. 1 bale will do alot of plants. fill ten of those three by three.


Well-Known Member
he does seem weird doesn't he
nothing weird about it; this is a cop. I guess they just like being made by Jedi. Trust in The Force you guys; always go with your gut. whatever, I'll play. fuck em; if they come after me, there gonna meet my friends. my buddies are Jedi Council level ability having motherfuckers and they WILL protect me. I chopped & cleared out my deal last week, after I outed the last cop that was on here, so now I'm pissed. you hoes wanna come fuck with me for my bong and 12grams then come the fuck on with it. I wanna set some more case law in Texas anyway. :)


Well-Known Member
sorry about the thread jack. I'm gettin sick of this shit though. weak....

somebody should give me a banhammer; I'd clean this place up. Call me Thor.