To lollipop or not??


Have outdoor grow...have "lollipopped" 3 of em...not sure if I should continue with rest of my girls..any opinions or experiences with it I feel like Im butchering it with every this really bennificial?My reasons to do it is I want to focus on tops with the nutrients n the little stuff on bottom can be sooo tedious:)Thanks in advance for info:)


Well-Known Member
for outdoor plants idk... they seem to just grow those huge tops if you do it right... you don't need to thin out too much unless you want to increase airflow in the middle of the bush....

I don't recommend it because the buds will still grow huge at the tops, and you will have small buds you can make into tincture!

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
If you're outdoors, you'd be shooting yourself in the foot, I think. I lolli-pop mine and grow a table full of them, but thats the only way I get a great yield indoors. I can't grow big plants like you can out doors. My lolli-popped plants give me about 2 oz per. It's more of an indoor thing to improve indoor yields.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
i tried it on a couple plants this run, ill let ya know when there done (indoors) Id prolly not try it on an outdoor grow tho..most id do to that is maybe top it once if hieght was a problem.


Well-Known Member
Outdoors you have sooo much advantage. Your lolipopped plants prolly yield more than the best shit I can grow indoors. Um...i've never lollipopped anything but I get why ppl do it.


Well-Known Member
Outdoor plants produce soo much there is no need to "lollipop". You can clean up the bottom and inside branches that are not getting sun but no need to go as far as to lollipop.


Well-Known Member
I lolipopped mine and I'm glad I did it helps with the insects and it also saves me a shit ton of time when it came to pulling yellow leaves and so on. all my canopy growth looks great!


Well-Known Member
guess it comes down to personal preference. try it both ways on the same strain and see how you like it.


Well-Known Member
Depends on the plant I say. A big huge plant I would say probabley not worth it. If you have a smaller plant I would remove the small popcorn buds and lower branchs that will never be nugs.


SO I didnt go balls out butchering..maybe lollipopping wrong word..more like limbing up I guess.I did it to majority of them my crop was planted way to close together so 4sure the inner ones where seriously lacking the front ones I put in were planted two months after but TOOK OFF I think It seems like the airflow is better too, the sun is creeping in more down there!Ill post a.m. thanks for info..Quick question though isnt trimming up good since they say it lets plant focus on existing sites n the main colas will recieve the benefits


Well-Known Member
SO I didnt go balls out butchering..maybe lollipopping wrong word..more like limbing up I guess.I did it to majority of them my crop was planted way to close together so 4sure the inner ones where seriously lacking the front ones I put in were planted two months after but TOOK OFF I think It seems like the airflow is better too, the sun is creeping in more down there!Ill post a.m. thanks for info..Quick question though isnt trimming up good since they say it lets plant focus on existing sites n the main colas will recieve the benefits
Trimming and pruning is completely different then lollipopping. I trim back a lot of undergrowth that does not get a lot of light and inside to help with airflow and prevent pests, mildey etc... Lollipopping is when you pretty much cut all the branches off except the main cola bud. This is commonly seen indoors in SOG grows.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
His original Q was whether or not to lolli-pop outdoor. I said he'd be shooting himself in the foot by doing that, and that it was an indoor technique.

Nice friggin' trees there guy!!! I SO wish I could grow outdoors again. I had a grow almost that big in college. (LONG time ago) Can't do that 'round here any more.


Well-Known Member
His original Q was whether or not to lolli-pop outdoor. I said he'd be shooting himself in the foot by doing that, and that it was an indoor technique.

Nice friggin' trees there guy!!! I SO wish I could grow outdoors again. I had a grow almost that big in college. (LONG time ago) Can't do that 'round here any more.
Gotcha! My bads=Quick reading! lol LAZY ME I agree, let those bitches grow! Thank you sir! They're talking about new county "ordinances" so we'll see how long I get to after this year....

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Last outdoor grow I did out doors was at Fla State. I lived just off sorority row (OH yeah!!), and had 6 really nice girls about 10'x10'. We all git back for fall registration, and while we were at the registrars, someone ripped them!!!! They had to be watching. Thankfully, we had picked several large Colas. My roomie was a horticlture major, and he tended them all year. That was the first Sinsemilla plants I had ever seen.


Good info here is what I did do..I wont go higher up on em I think Its fine I just had serious issues since I placed them way to close together I could not get inside middle @ all now little bit better...not much though..this is my second real grow....Learning as I go so I appreciate advice :) WHat else could I do to so my ones in mdl can get more light? Noticed serious stetching since they r close together:(