To much humidity?

Hello everyone, I'm new at growing and I have what is probably a newbie question here goes,

I have a plant that has been growing very nicely and has just began to bud, I'm growing indoors and I am using a Sun System 2 lamp HPS.

My question is as follows, last night I decided just as an experiment to put a humidifier in my grow room this morning to my dismay I've discovered my plants to appear wilted.

Is this just temporary or have I fucked up?
thanks for any responses you have to give. ;)


Well-Known Member
generally during flowering (budding) you want the humidity to be lower than during vegetative growth.

Apart from the wilting, too much humidity in the buds could attract mould and cause bud rot.


Active Member
do you have a humidty/temp monitor? I bought a cheapy mechanical at Walmart for $8.47. Works great.


Well-Known Member
anywhere from 30-45% if i remember right. You just don't want it a 0, and you don't want it above 50 i don't think.


Active Member
everything I read says 50-70 for veg and 30-50 for flower. Don't quote me on that, I'm still new and reading alot, that's just the average numbers I've been seeing pop up.
Thanks for the replies, basically my plant was doing great as it was, I however decided to put a one gallon humidifier in there overnight just top see if it would change anything, perhaps encourage growth.

Now the leaves are still green but they are wilted I've turned the humidifier off and I'm hoping they will perk up.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies, basically my plant was doing great as it was, I however decided to put a one gallon humidifier in there overnight just top see if it would change anything, perhaps encourage growth.

Now the leaves are still green but they are wilted I've turned the humidifier off and I'm hoping they will perk up.
if your budding then the last thing you want is higher should have it 40-50%,the closer to 40 the better.the marijuana plant creates resin to keep the flowers moist and from drying out.if the humidity is lower the more resin production you too much humidity will cause bud rot and invite pest.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Hello everyone, I'm new at growing and I have what is probably a newbie question here goes,

I have a plant that has been growing very nicely and has just began to bud, I'm growing indoors and I am using a Sun System 2 lamp HPS.

My question is as follows, last night I decided just as an experiment to put a humidifier in my grow room this morning to my dismay I've discovered my plants to appear wilted.

Is this just temporary or have I fucked up?
thanks for any responses you have to give. ;)
Too much humidity isn't good, but it shouldn't make your plants wilt. They don't need watering? Was the water in the humidifier from the tap, maybe chlorine reaction. Anyhow they should bounce back


Active Member
This is the one I bought. I think the green areas of the gauges are more for human environment, so my theory is to be running on the "rich" side of the green section (little warmer, little damper).

