Is that just glare off of your fan leaves, or are you loosing a fairly serious fight against PM??
Im on my phone and can't really tell.
Dog I think he was talking about Powdery Mildew But I don't see itPM, went to DLftmyers.
It was just a request to look at my recent photos.
my PH is monitored and balanced daily. 6.0-6.1
It could have so thing to do with camera....?
The farther away the less yellow shows??
The brown tips are real....
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I use 1 tea spoon per gallon of water. Also be carefull to over due the Epsom salt. Start small I always say, you can always add more. I'd go half or even a 3rd for now since your not to bad in a mag deff, so let's say your running a 4gallon tub bucket what ever 2tea spoons max and see. Please becareful on the cal mag. Plants need more mag then calcium from what I remember, please correct me if I'm wrong. so it's a hard lesson to learn if your just relying on a cal/mag bottle.good suggestion, Epsom Salts....
I have never used it, how much per gallon in a reservoir??
Please don't foliage feed, foliage feeding can trap nutes and moisture in the bud this late into flowering. You'll run the risk of mold or if not your going to taste once smoked. Just my 2cents.I would add some Epson, or if you want calmag...personally I like to foliar feed..your plants look pretty good calcium wise(there is slight bubbling on some but that comes with n tox I think it will disappear with mag and the lower n/ppm). I think some mag would do ya and ease off the nutes a bit(actually after that last comment and taking another look your newer growth isn't nearly as dark).. does your ph fluctuate a lot, the patches of coloring I thought I saw made me think your ph was a little funky..well good luck...what strain is that anyway I never caught that.....oh and I see no pm