To prune or not to prune - 33 days into 12/12

Gene 3262


I have two female Satori plants from Mandala. They have been under a 250 watt (or 215 watt conversion bulb)
for 33 days now @ 12/12. They are not as full as I had hoped. I intended to change to a 600 watt (HPS) but am unable to do so for probably another 10 days. Flowering time indoors is 65-70 days. Should I prune or let them go?

Gene :leaf:


Well-Known Member
If you prune them they will be less full as before, I could never understand the purpose of pruning a plant, I have never done it.


it depends on how the plants react to it. i have two purple kush plants sitting sidebyside, one i lst'ed and topped and trimmed the lower fan leaves just after entering flowering cycle and one that i let grow naturally. the plant thats been trained has ~20 tops and is 10" tall, the other is 22" and has maybe 4 real buds forming.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
no need to prune the bottom or lolipop the bottom for only 2 plants.
unless there is absolutly no light down there or u want to clean up the scaggs a little.


Well-Known Member
well if you grow indoors .. even with HPS .. you wont have as much light penetrations as a plant who is outdoors in the sun ...

even a 600W HPS that is 18 inch`s abow the cnanorpy wont grow good buds much more then 15 inch`s or so furter down ..

and if your plants stretch +10 inch`s fist 2 weeks of flowering .. the bottom of your plants wont be getting enough light to grow mouch other then popcorn buds ..

if you choose to prune you schould do it before you begin 12/12 so you dont put stress on em in flowering ..

the main reason why Ppl. do it .. is to make the plant use all its energy on its top grow .. as it dont have any bottom grow sites (leave most fan leavs on tho .. prune is to remove bud sites not cut off its energy reserves)

that way they make the plant use all its energy on the buds they like to smoke and avoyd light airy pop corn buds ..

witch I find ok to leave on actualy .. well I do prune 1/4 bottom grow .. most do 50% or so I belive ..

but I dont mind a littel airy buds as I also like to make kif/hash and they are ok for that .. but I still do them 1/4 as they will never grow in to anything userble way down ther ..

so roughly I end up with maybe 2/3 smokeble buds and 1/3 scrap I use for shake along with all the sugar leaves I manicure ...

this time I will have even more for Shake/KIF :D as I got a few foxtails do to summer heat :(


Well-Known Member
I'd agree with most people on here - unless u gotta a major reason to have to prune now then i can't really see what massively extra benefits it'll bring.

Tho the only thing i was wanting to pass on about if u do have to prune during mid-flowering was that i've found my plants have seemed to respond better/stress less if i did a small bit of the total pruning over a number of successive days rather than doing 1 big prune all on the same day. (i.e. spend 4 days doing 25% prune each day, as opposed to 1 day of 100% prune)

I dunno if scientifically its valid, but i believe they seem to prefer dealing with an intervaled succession of small cuts rather than 1 big major cut. (tho obviously they'd probably prefer dealing with no cuts at all!)