To Re-Veg or Not to Re-Veg?


I have two spindly (yet healthy) girls that are curently under 94w (total actual wattage) 2700k CFL lighting on 12/12. They are aprox. 3 weeks into flower. I neglected them and their siblings outside for some un-recorded time as my priorities were changing in life. I nursed these two survivors back indoors and they already had pistils jutting galore -- so my dilema: Re-veg them for a coule weeks to fille them back out or let them got 8-12 weeks and take what I get?

They are bag seed so Im not thinkin that they wild come off fruit for a while, in which case, whats an extra 2-3 weeks to have a bushier harvest. They are 17 inches tall and those pistils are pink - darker in one than the other, just a tid-bit.


Active Member
If they are bag seed and already 3 weeks into flower, let them flower on... vegging will cost you significantly more time as the flowering parts will die off and it takes time to get them back into veg before you even gain anything. Let them go and youll have some smoke to start your next grow with :)


I do appreciate your advice and this is what I would do except I was tending to them and noticed some growing shoots popping from the center of all the buds and tips. Running the lights at night I gave no concern to the open window that gentley illuminated my room during they day as an experiment to see how those levels of light would affect them in flowering... well it turns out that it was enough indirect light to swing them back for me so I have started them on a 20/4 light schedule... Do you think I made a mistake and is it too late to switch back without upsetting the plants or will they hate me for all this to-and-fro?