To Shantibaba and the babies at Mr. Nice Seeds

Says the dude who took the time to find and post the gif. cracks me up man... Yes I probably do...I'm not the only one, lol...
Took the time? It takes no time on google. see
Like I said, there are people there who read what I post here and report back, it was a message that has been sent and is over, like in past tense. Accomplished even.

A lot of people get hung up on my use of redneck, not really sure why, the way it was used when I was growing up was to mean an "ignorant, backwards thinking person" that was devoid of race or region. You could be a black redneck or even a gay redneck. Or at least that's how we used the term.
Actually, the term "redneck" goes back to the early colonial days. In Ireland debtors who couldn't pay either went to debtors prison or they were sold into slavery. YES THERE WERE IRISH SLAVES IN AMERICA. They worked in the fields just like the blacks. The Irish were mostly fair skinned and burned easily, especially their necks. Thus, they were called by the very derogatory term "Redneck" which is equivalent to "N!@#R".
Now you know.
From Shantibaba

"Hi All

well i do not see too many people causing problems just a few who seem to thrive from it. I expect Nevil is the best to make the call for banning as I never did it before, but this seems to be an absolutely waste of time to read and therefore not really a relevant thread in any form for this forum.

All the life one chooses his or hers decisions. After people even ask nicely to go to a forum that makes you feel a part of the community and you fail to find one it may be time to re evaluate what you are doing to disrupt perfectly good discussions. If one does not agree and voices it that is fine but to continue to voice it to the point of disruption means you are the deaf one not hearing the message. Japanfreak I do not feel threatened or fear from anything on our forum, if you have to even state that you are the one with issues.So either go and talk to someone who cares about you to get some reality checks or cease to post on the forum as your input is neither educational, relevant to others here or even wanted, as you do not know when to stop slapping a dead fish. Social skills need a little work, and the facetious remarks show you have some serious chips on your shoulder, all your doing as you decide everything you do.

Sorry for doing something so out of character but it is well over due for the few, and totally unnecessary for the masses. Be well and let sleeping dogs safe and well Sb"

Well Shantibaba I know it really pisses you off when people aren't down with your version of reality. For example people at Mr. Nice Forum claim that they are all about respect and yet you guys have thread after thread to talk shit about Arjan and Greenhouse seeds, more shit talking about other people's seeds then actually talk about your own seeds. But of course I can understand that considering far more people actually buy their seeds than yours.

I reject your premise that your members are fine decent kind people as well. Yeah maybe I made a little mess when I called out that homophobe redneck over his faggot comments but when your core members are saying shit like "god hates gays" you can't make the claim that your members are kind.

You can't make the claim that you are asking people to kindly move along when what you are really saying is fuck off. It's the message that counts not the language.

You also can't make the claim that I disrupted your site in any way, I was only active in 3 threads, all of them started to do nothing but talk shit, not my problem that they were the only threads at your site your members seemed interested in (they don't really seem to like talking to each other that much). It's not like I went to grow threads and made your growers look like idiots, I went to threads called "For Japanfreak" and "All the angry people around here" and made your core members look like idiots.

Here's the thing, you're site supposedly has never banned anybody and you put me on a one week ban, probably because you're too much of a pussy, hard to ban somebody when you claim to be about free speech (as long as they agree with you and pimp your seeds). So when the one week ban is over I'm going to go right back and continue to say what I like, even if that happens to point out shit that your members are saying.

Oh yeah, anybody who has ever bought a pack of green house seeds and actually liked them, you need to get your ass over to Mr. Nice Forums and let them know, they need a little bit of a reality check and it's funny to see them bitch and cry when they don't win anything.

And what kind of cheese would sir like to go along with his whine? Mature Helmet, perchance?
You're responding to an 8 year old post. That dude is probably dead by now...

Him dead? We should be so lucky.

But that's what happens when you end up hammering opiates and valium from 3am because you moved the wrong way in your sleep and two discs shifted meaning that you suddenly woke up almost screaming.

Then you see a thread with new posts when you're half toasted 3 hours later and are still trying to block pain, yet somehow miss the date. Can't think why I missed the date, might have something with trying not to laugh at the shite Sir Whinesalot had been gibbering about because that would have hurt a LOT more.

Now the coffee is going in, situation is returning to normal fucked up instead of totally fucked up.
Omg ! An 8 year old thead!
Shantibaba is getting on with his CBD strains here in bcn as far as I know. Howard, his dear friend died a couple of years ago. He was Mr Nice. CBD Crew are doing really well and without their hard work, we'd have a lot less medical strain choice.

(Ps that party at resin club was great!)
You're responding to an 8 year old post. That dude is probably dead by now...
Sorry, man. I didn't notice the date. I would have thought that his thread would have been down by now as hateful as it is. I am new to this forum and was checking it out when I ran across this thread. It almost made me leave this forum, not to return. I came here, like most people, to talk about growing, not social rants and ravings. If I were the mod I would remove ALL the BS from japanfreak and keep this site what is it is.
Sorry, man. I didn't notice the date. I would have thought that his thread would have been down by now as hateful as it is. I am new to this forum and was checking it out when I ran across this thread. It almost made me leave this forum, not to return. I came here, like most people, to talk about growing, not social rants and ravings. If I were the mod I would remove ALL the BS from japanfreak and keep this site what is it is.
Sit back and watch, you're in Toke&Talk, it's all rants and raves. Watch out for flying dicks.