To soak or not to soak


Well-Known Member
So i have been growing for awhile now however i usually have clones or get clones. I won a contest with the vault and now have some seeds. Ive only started seeds 1 time and it was years ago.
Should i let them sit in a glass of water or should i just throw them in a paper towel and keep them warm?
I have heard multiple different pros/cons of all the methods.

I have only successfully germinated once, working on my 2nd now.

I did it successfully my first time with Paper Tower

Pros and Cons:
Soaking in water - Pros: easy to watch progression, pop in soil when they sink to bottom. Little risk to seed integrity as far as the Taproot goes. Cons: Theoretical high potential for drowning the seed, you do not want to keep it in the water for 24 hours+ (supposedely)

Paper towel - Pros: Easy to do, soak towels and keep them soaked in a plastic bag, little risk as far as overwater goes. Cons: Potential to damage taproot when doing the transplant/taproot can grow into paper towel

Germinate is soil/Rooter/seed starter - I am told this is the best method, with the only downside is that you can't directly see the progression, and you have to do the 'tride and true' method of waiting for the seed to pop.

As I said, I have only done the paper towel method, but these are the notes I have taken from the other methods. Perhaps other members can provide more insight!
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Last time i cracked them. I soaked them until they sank then i put them in paper towel. Then once the tap root popped i planted it. Just wasnt sure if thats the best way to do it. Thanks for the reply.
Drop them in the pots and a lil water, put a done on them keep em warm and humid and they will pop in a few days like see_jay said the more you move and transplant the greater the chance for failure.
Exactly. Keep it simple. Our greatest enemy is trying to over think a lot of unnecessary step. In the end it is just a will grow.
I have always been growing from seed and always germinating by planting straight in coco, most natural method and you minimize the risk of damaging the root. I didn't documented it but roughly only 4 or 5 in 50 didn't germinate
Here's another vote for drop the seed directly into medium.

Did the paper towel and Ziplock for years and years. Realized how silly that was when I was preparing my outdoor garden this year. Every single plant I grow, the seeds go into dirt. Now my cannabis does as well.
Last time i cracked them. I soaked them until they sank then i put them in paper towel. Then once the tap root popped i planted it.
I soak for only 12 hours or so to soften the shell a bit, I dont wait for it to sink, then wet paper towel method with a little mycorrhizae sprinkled on the seed. Works great. Usually have a healthy tap root in a matter of a couple days.
Another vote for this. More handling is more chance for me to mess something up. I’m no longer a soaker, I’m now a dropper :bigjoint:
I dropped them in water for about 12 hours then put into coco and 2 days later they broke the soil. I didn't use a humidity dome or nothing just put them in my room with the clones.