to soon to flower


Well-Known Member
well its been 6 weeks or 42 day since i first seen this little plant pop though the soil.
my question is .is it to soon to start flowering ? I'm not wanting it to get overly big because my space is only 24"w x 32"d x 48"t
my plant is just under 6" tall and 7" wide
here are some pics




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Active Member
Your plant will double or even triple in size when you start 12/12, so think about how much space you have and go from there.

Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
OK i started my 12/12 yesterday .
now all i need to do is set back and watch to see if its a girl or boy.
i also fed it some supper Bloom today .


Well-Known Member
if your space is limited flowering young is just fine, and if you have cfls id recomend it regardless of space. you should consider transplanting it soon. that pot doesnt look very big maybe 8inch at most. i put my girl in a 12 inch right before i started into 12.12 and it was about the same size as yours maybe a bit bigger. the plant looks healthy to me.



Well-Known Member
yeah man throw it into flowering u dont want to have the problem of running out of space its what im goinf thru ATM and yeah u should definatly switch to a bigger pot


Well-Known Member
as good as i can get it but to me it looks a little to soon to tell just yet
but you guys might be able to tell better then me




Well-Known Member
Good looking plant, need to replant it for sure!! Still a bit to early to tell sex, just keep an eye on it, usualy about 7 days or so will show sex, nice close up pics!! gotta love the super macro setting!!:peace:


Well-Known Member
ok i replanted it in a 12" pot it was in a 8" .
will that be good till harvest? here are some pics of it





Well-Known Member
a plant needs roughly 1 gallon of downwards root space for every 12 inches tall the plant is, once it maxes out the root space roots can become "root Bound" and this can and will cause many hinderences in growing ability of the plant...


Active Member
sorry to invade the thread!!

is this gospel as i have info that would say that huge pots are not as needed as u may think.


Well-Known Member
well there is a method called SOG which denys this nessecity,

However root space directly correlates to final yeild...

Hence it is not possible to get a 4oz plant out of a dixie cup..

I use half gallon grow bags, with 1 plant with no veg time at all..

average is not equal to my identical 1 gallon plants with the same settings, hence if they have more root space they will yeild more..

Root bound mostly applies to plants with veg time of 1 month or more...