To stake or not to stake? Fost too


Well-Known Member

Addition to post here...2nd and 4th pic are the lower fan leaf pics that I'm concerned are mildew or mold...These are on the north side of the plant and don't get much sunlight..

Sorry..That should be FROST too.

I've got some pretty heavy buds weighing down on the branches. To make matters worse, it's been wet. (But supposed to get clear up this week) I'm about 3 weeks from harvest.

Should I stake up (prop up) the branches that look susceptible to splitting or breaking?

How have you guys been doing this?

I'm also in an area of Oregon that can get frost though none is forecast for the next 10-14 days. How much frost can the girls handle? At what point if there is going to be frost should I look at harvesting early ?


Well-Known Member
Addition to my first post...Pics will follow.

I have a very bushy close to 6 foot tall plant that has what looks like whitish powdery looking stuff on the lower fan leaves that are on the north side of the plant (its been wet) that doesn't get much sunlight.
I rubbed it with my thumb but did't pull off anything from the leaf. There are only a few leaves with it and it isn't horrible looking. I'm charging my camera battery and will take pics in an hour or so.


Yes, stake them if you don't want them to fall over and break. Get some 4-6 ft bamboo stakes, and some green stretchy ribbon from home depot and get to work.

While you're at it, stake the branches that are showing powdery mildew (the white substance you mention) and get them exposed to more sunlight. I'm guessing the white patches are primarily on lower branches that aren't gettin enough sun.

Good luck.
I'm also in Oregon I've seen the powdery mildew also I wiped off with my thumb and let it get more light and it went away. My ladies are close to fence, so what I did I tied a rope to go across the fence and I tied my branches up to that. It's been working so far. I hate this rain that and humidity that got last night though I ended up with three of my ladies getting a little mold on the some buds. Don't know what to do about that. First time growing outside.