To tall... help

My babies shot up too tall and too fast. They are very healthy but I'm running out of room. How can I stunt the growth and concentrate only on the buds??? A friend told me something about drilling a hole at the base of the stalk and inserting a golf tee... but that sounded crazy. Someone help me please.


Well-Known Member
That is an old growers myth. It was supposed to stress the plant, supposedly increasing potency. Don't do it! Try bending. If you are already in flowering this is about your only viable option. Ya gotta get creative when thrown a curveball. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Are you using enough light, lack of light or light too far away causes stretching. So can other things. A pic would be good.

If everything is good you tie them down or whatever and make due however you can. Scrog them after laying them down maybe if you have room.

If everything else is good but you cant tie them down bushmaster is an additive you can buy that will supposedly slow stretch, and it seemed to work quite well for me when I needed it badly once. Don't overdo it, follow directions.


Well-Known Member
A good way to tie them down is to tie a stick or rod to the stalk, then add a fishing wieght to the tip to bend it over without snaping the main stem.


Active Member
just snap the main stem. squeeze it and bend it over. it may or may not make a snapping sound. it'll heal itself in only a few days. i had to do this SEVERAL times on several plants.
These are them... I know, I know... One 600hps isn't enough for 11plants in 5gallon buckets. This was my first real attempt at doing it right. The space is about 3ft by 9ft and already its cramped. I don't really have any more room. I guess right now, I'm just trying to make the best of what I have. Started 12/12 a week ago and they are starting to bud. I keep the light about 12 in away but that's as close as I can get without burning them. The smaller branches are long and reaching so I'm sure its because of the single light... I just need some ideas as to how I can yield as much as possible with as little as possible. Thanks for all the replies. This site and all the feedback from you guys have opened my eyes to a lot and I hope to keep getting better.
(Side note) 2plants are Lavender and 9 are White Widdow.
These are them... I know, I know... One 600hps isn't enough for 11plants in 5gallon buckets. This was my first real attempt at doing it right. The space is about 3ft by 9ft and already its cramped. I don't really have any more room. I guess right now, I'm just trying to make the best of what I have. Started 12/12 a week ago and they are starting to bud. I keep the light about 12 in away but that's as close as I can get without burning them. The smaller branches are long and reaching so I'm sure its because of the single light... I just need some ideas as to how I can yield as much as possible with as little as possible. Thanks for all the replies. This site and all the feedback from you guys have opened my eyes to a lot and I hope to keep getting better.
(Side note) 2plants are Lavender and 9 are White Widdow.


Well-Known Member
Oh, well you do what you can with what you got I guess but trying to run that much space with just one light is too much and you know it. If you don't have a light mover you could be the light mover.
How often should I move the light? And is there a cheaper light I can drop in the middle to help with under the massive canopy? And can I trim the bottom... a week into flowering? And how far from the bottom to the top should I trim?


Well-Known Member
I saw someone hook up an oscillating fan to make a lightweight light like yours swing from side to side just a foot or so. I think he just taped a stick between them or used a string or something. Oscillating fan can be hung upside down from the ceiling.

You might try that rather than moving the light yourself, if you move it yourself you'd be screwing with it all the damn time.

Not exactly ideal but could make quite a difference allowing you to drop the light to where it should be and still get better coverage.