To the young and the old members of RIU!


Well-Known Member
I started out by reading High Times for inspiration as well as Ed Rosenthal's old grow book. It's got some good info inside, but really shows its age if you read it today. Jorge Cervantes' Grower's Bible is a great modern reference book for anybody who's still down with the printed word....


Well-Known Member
To be honest with ya RIU has helped me ALOT, Thanks to everyones post about EVERYTHING... RIU people are great to know. Fuck the non smokers/growers, :)


Active Member
47 year old toker, grew in the great outdoors back in the day but it was hit and miss as I had no ideal to what I was doing. Got better as the years went passing by, but when they changed the laws so they could take everything you own if they caught you, I closed the garden.

Thanks to RIU I am in my first grow in years. DWC but I will change to areo/organic next time around thanks to a lengthy thread on this site (harvest a pound every three weeks). Everything I've done (and will do) has been DIY, again thanks to the great people here. There has been some wholesale changes in the growing culture, except in my luck. Lights fell on my babies today, four weeks into flowering, doing some major damage to half my main stems. I was ready to throw them out, and then I thought to post here asking about my options. Within minutes got some great advice and hopefully my girls will live to see another day.

Read alot of words on alot of sites, even joined a few. But this is the only site I ever posted on. Wealth of info here if you take time to read. RIU is the shit.