To Think Like a Nazi


Well-Known Member
In discussing the Holocaust there is one question that always seems to come to mind. What could possibly convince so many people to go along with Hitler’s madness?

There are many answers to this question. For purposes of this writing, I am concerned only with the ones that parallel certain attitudes that prevail today. The first and most relevant has to be the power of social proof.

“Social proof, also known as informational social influence, is a psychological phenomenon that occurs in ambiguous social situations when people are unable to determine the appropriate mode of behavior. Making the assumption that surrounding people possess more knowledge about the situation, they will deem the behavior of others as appropriate or better informed. Since observation of others usually provides only inconclusive information about what behavior is most profitable, the term 'informational social influence' is superior. Social influence in general can lead to conformity of large groups of individuals in either correct or mistaken choices, a phenomenon sometimes referred to as herd behavior. Although informational social influence at least in part reflects a rational motive to take into account the information of others, formal analysis shows that it can cause people to converge too quickly upon a single choice, so that decisions of even large groups of individuals may reflect very little information (see information cascades).”

One can easily see how the Nazis used the power of social proof in order to garner support for their cause. In fact, they made specific efforts to influence people’s thinking in regard to deamonizing and scapegoating Jews and others. One way they did this, was through a massive propaganda campaign led by the infamous Joesph Goebbels. Another was through the indoctrination of children by way of the “Hitler Youth,” in which membership was universally encouraged. Yet another, was in the mass rationalization for these deranged views. To avoid the obvious truth that they were arbitrarily singling out a group of their citizens and deamonizing them, they came up with a host of fraudulent grievances and convinced the public that these grievances were valid.
Where this becomes interesting, and downright frightening is in the many parallels we see between the social influence used by Hitler and that of today’s Left. Today we see much of the same Jew hatred, and just as sophistry was used rationalize it in the past, so it is today. The most wide spread and well known of thinly veiled anti-Semitism is in the claim that the Jews stole land from the Palestinians and are committing mass human rights violations. The claim is frequently echoed by those who are wholly ignorant of mid-East politics and the history of the region. The fact that one needs know nothing to find an excuse to hate Jews demonstrates that the thinking of America’s Left often mirrors that of Nazi Germany. In fact, it is not uncommon to hear this same anti Zionism crowd parrot anti-Jewish arguments not knowing they are quotes taken straight from famous anti Jewish literature such as “Mien Kampf “or “Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”
Another group we see deamonized by the Left is what they refer to as the “typical white Christian Male.” Even in the way they refer to people that happen to be White and Christian and Male is defamatory and meant to poison the well against them. We have all heard so many accusations from the Left with regard to “typical white Christians” that examples are not necessary. One technique used by the Left to deamonize anyone white and Christian is particularly interesting. The technique (very common to the Left) is to accuse those they wish to deamonize as being evil. We have all heard white Christians accused of racism, sexism, homophobia and other things universally despised by society. Likewise, the Nazis rationalized their accusations of the Jews on the grounds that they were the cause of all of Germany’s social ills and that they possessed every characteristic seen as deplorable by German society. The Left does exactly the same when they accuse White Christians of these things; a claim that is unwavering and ubiquitous on the Left.

When corporations fail, the Left, instead of blaming individuals witch would be the reasonable thing to do, blames an imaginary group that they see as a secret society of elite power holders (white males either Christian or Jewish). In Nazi Germany, and before, the belief was in a global Jewish conspiracy, often referred to as a “conspiracy of world bankers” among other names. The origins date back to the aforementioned “protocols” and have persisted to this day. When we hear the Left referring to conspiracies of world bankers or of a power elite, they are simply recycling old anti-Semitic doctrine; some knowingly, others unwittingly.

Another old anti-Semitic claim often recycled by the Left is that these “elite” (Jews then, the wealthy today), are hording the Country’s wealth and oppressing everyone else in the process. Yet again, all of society’s problems and hardships are attributed not to various facts of life, but to an evil group that needs to be singled out and destroyed.

To be fair, there are many who would argue that the Right are the ones who show similarities with the Nazis due to their hatred of others. This however is yet another attempt to deamonize those on the Right. Although there are people who do not agree with homosexuality on religious grounds it simply isn’t fair to accuse them of hatred as we all have a right to our opinions - especially religious ones. As for those who identify themselves as Christians and do genuinely express hatred, understand that those individuals do so in spite of their religious teachings and not because of them. It is simply unfair to blame an entire group of people for the wrong doings of a few individuals. This is just as true when discussing Christians or others as it is when discussing Blacks. Certainly nobody on the Left would make the argument that because many Blacks commit crimes they are all guilty of these crimes. And yet, the Left has no problem using the same fallacious logic against their imagined enemies. But of course when one really wishes to deamonize and scapegoat an imaginary group, logic seldom gets in the way.

Nazi Germany was the result of a type of group think that shows a striking similarity to that of the Left in America today. I have little doubt that if we raise the question of who, based on their worldview and mode of thinking, would have been most likely to pledge their allegiance to Hitler, it is clear that it would far more likely be America’s Left than America’s Right.

libs r scared!

New Member
In discussing the Holocaust there is one question that always seems to come to mind. What could possibly convince so many people to go along with Hitler’s madness?

There are many answers to this question. For purposes of this writing, I am concerned only with the ones that parallel certain attitudes that prevail today. The first and most relevant has to be the power of social proof.

“Social proof, also known as informational social influence, is a psychological phenomenon that occurs in ambiguous social situations when people are unable to determine the appropriate mode of behavior. Making the assumption that surrounding people possess more knowledge about the situation, they will deem the behavior of others as appropriate or better informed. Since observation of others usually provides only inconclusive information about what behavior is most profitable, the term 'informational social influence' is superior. Social influence in general can lead to conformity of large groups of individuals in either correct or mistaken choices, a phenomenon sometimes referred to as herd behavior. Although informational social influence at least in part reflects a rational motive to take into account the information of others, formal analysis shows that it can cause people to converge too quickly upon a single choice, so that decisions of even large groups of individuals may reflect very little information (see information cascades).”

One can easily see how the Nazis used the power of social proof in order to garner support for their cause. In fact, they made specific efforts to influence people’s thinking in regard to deamonizing and scapegoating Jews and others. One way they did this, was through a massive propaganda campaign led by the infamous Joesph Goebbels. Another was through the indoctrination of children by way of the “Hitler Youth,” in which membership was universally encouraged. Yet another, was in the mass rationalization for these deranged views. To avoid the obvious truth that they were arbitrarily singling out a group of their citizens and deamonizing them, they came up with a host of fraudulent grievances and convinced the public that these grievances were valid.
Where this becomes interesting, and downright frightening is in the many parallels we see between the social influence used by Hitler and that of today’s Left. Today we see much of the same Jew hatred, and just as sophistry was used rationalize it in the past, so it is today. The most wide spread and well known of thinly veiled anti-Semitism is in the claim that the Jews stole land from the Palestinians and are committing mass human rights violations. The claim is frequently echoed by those who are wholly ignorant of mid-East politics and the history of the region. The fact that one needs know nothing to find an excuse to hate Jews demonstrates that the thinking of America’s Left often mirrors that of Nazi Germany. In fact, it is not uncommon to hear this same anti Zionism crowd parrot anti-Jewish arguments not knowing they are quotes taken straight from famous anti Jewish literature such as “Mien Kampf “or “Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”
Another group we see deamonized by the Left is what they refer to as the “typical white Christian Male.” Even in the way they refer to people that happen to be White and Christian and Male is defamatory and meant to poison the well against them. We have all heard so many accusations from the Left with regard to “typical white Christians” that examples are not necessary. One technique used by the Left to deamonize anyone white and Christian is particularly interesting. The technique (very common to the Left) is to accuse those they wish to deamonize as being evil. We have all heard white Christians accused of racism, sexism, homophobia and other things universally despised by society. Likewise, the Nazis rationalized their accusations of the Jews on the grounds that they were the cause of all of Germany’s social ills and that they possessed every characteristic seen as deplorable by German society. The Left does exactly the same when they accuse White Christians of these things; a claim that is unwavering and ubiquitous on the Left.

When corporations fail, the Left, instead of blaming individuals witch would be the reasonable thing to do, blames an imaginary group that they see as a secret society of elite power holders (white males either Christian or Jewish). In Nazi Germany, and before, the belief was in a global Jewish conspiracy, often referred to as a “conspiracy of world bankers” among other names. The origins date back to the aforementioned “protocols” and have persisted to this day. When we hear the Left referring to conspiracies of world bankers or of a power elite, they are simply recycling old anti-Semitic doctrine; some knowingly, others unwittingly.

Another old anti-Semitic claim often recycled by the Left is that these “elite” (Jews then, the wealthy today), are hording the Country’s wealth and oppressing everyone else in the process. Yet again, all of society’s problems and hardships are attributed not to various facts of life, but to an evil group that needs to be singled out and destroyed.

To be fair, there are many who would argue that the Right are the ones who show similarities with the Nazis due to their hatred of others. This however is yet another attempt to deamonize those on the Right. Although there are people who do not agree with homosexuality on religious grounds it simply isn’t fair to accuse them of hatred as we all have a right to our opinions - especially religious ones. As for those who identify themselves as Christians and do genuinely express hatred, understand that those individuals do so in spite of their religious teachings and not because of them. It is simply unfair to blame an entire group of people for the wrong doings of a few individuals. This is just as true when discussing Christians or others as it is when discussing Blacks. Certainly nobody on the Left would make the argument that because many Blacks commit crimes they are all guilty of these crimes. And yet, the Left has no problem using the same fallacious logic against their imagined enemies. But of course when one really wishes to deamonize and scapegoat an imaginary group, logic seldom gets in the way.

Nazi Germany was the result of a type of group think that shows a striking similarity to that of the Left in America today. I have little doubt that if we raise the question of who, based on their worldview and mode of thinking, would have been most likely to pledge their allegiance to Hitler, it is clear that it would far more likely be America’s Left than America’s Right.

yep, hitler was a hippie. he even invented the volkswagon.


New Member
Along the same lines, why would an American president, one who rounded up 110,000 Americans, confiscated their land and possessions, and placed them into prisons because of their race, become an Icon of the NeoLiberal Progressives? bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention the obsession the Left has with "right thinking" (as opposed to wrong thinking). When one hears the term "politically correct" one automatically thinks of the Left. And of course "politically incorrect" refers to the Right.

I'm not sure I even need to point out the Naziesqu quality of judging thinking based on what is seen as socially appropriate. Man, that sounds so much like Nazi Germany it sends chills up my spine. I am reminded of the Hitler Youth children who turned in their parents for espousing views other than those of new world order. I wonder how long it will be before parents who teach their kids that homosexuality is against their beliefs will be charged with child abuse and hauled away by the new progressive SS.

The message from the Left is clear - march in lockstep with the new world order or be deamonized.


Active Member
The new world order? hahaha. You sound like one of the crazy fucks that thinks 9/11 was an inside job and the holocaust didn't exist!

We deamonize you repukes because the party as a whole whines like little bitches. You people will look for anything that could possibly be wrong with Obama ie: Hannity acting offended over Obama eating dijon mustard on his burger like an 'elitist liberal'. Republicans seem to have some sort of mental block in their head that keeps things like reality, history, and facts out of their head, and they'd rather only use information that's appealing to their emotions. Hence, FOX news. Everyone knows they're full of shit and they distort facts and use misinformation to push their agenda. You're all the mindless sheeple and the world knows it. Republicans give a bad name for America, it makes the rest the world see us as intolerant, bible thumping, trailer trash rednecks.

libs r scared!

New Member
I forgot to mention the obsession the Left has with "right thinking" (as opposed to wrong thinking). When one hears the term "politically correct" one automatically thinks of the Left. And of course "politically incorrect" refers to the Right.

I'm not sure I even need to point out the Naziesqu quality of judging thinking based on what is seen as socially appropriate. Man, that sounds so much like Nazi Germany it sends chills up my spine. I am reminded of the Hitler Youth children who turned in their parents for espousing views other than those of new world order. I wonder how long it will be before parents who teach their kids that homosexuality is against their beliefs will be charged with child abuse and hauled away by the new progressive SS.

The message from the Left is clear - march in lockstep with the new world order or be deamonized.

ditto. nwo is here. but ive stockpiled supplies so my family n i are ready when the shit hits the fan. im just a regular joe who talks to alot of folks every day who r all fed up n angry with these libs flushin our country down the toilet. if things dont turn around a civil war IS comin n it aint gonna be a fun surprise for the libs to find out how powerless they really r when the whole country n militry turns on em.


Well-Known Member
pmsl. you yanks are the most seriously fucked up sub species of humanity. the WHOLE world thinks ur all idiots. lol , although u did give us The Simpsons. all is forgiven but stop dragging evry1 into pointless wars. let the dumbfucks kill each other.


Well-Known Member
u invented television? that was a scotsman as was the inventors of the telephone, tarmac, rubber tyres and the internet was began in britain. as for automobiles that was the germans. read a book you fucking halfwit. and da vinci came up with the blue prints for both helicopters and aeroplanes. and the only vtof in use by the yank army is the british harrier hawk jumpjet. but i do like the simpsons and futurama. and lets all be honest, anything the europeans or americans invent/creat/harness the bloody japs come along and do it better, cheaper and more efficient.


Active Member
Yes we did invent it, and the telephone, and the internet.
Not much thanks for saving you in both world wars. We should of let the Nazis invade your shithole of a wetdog smelling country and rape your families.

P.S. Your country has the most ugly chicks and terrible dental hygiene.


Well-Known Member
elevision was not invented by a single inventor, instead many people working together and alone, contributed to the evolution of TV.
1831: Joseph Henry's and Michael Faraday's work with electromagnetism makes possible the era of electronic communication to begin.
1862: Abbe Giovanna Caselli invents his "pantelegraph" and becomes the first person to transmit a still image over wires.
1873: Scientists May and Smith experiment with selenium and light, this opens the door for inventors to transform images into electronic signals.
1876: Boston civil servant George Carey was thinking about complete television systems and in 1877 he put forward drawings for what he called a "selenium camera" that would allow people to "see by electricity." Eugen Goldstein coins the term "cathode rays" to describe the light emitted when an electric current was forced through a vacuum tube.
Late 1870's: Scientists and engineers like Paiva, Figuier, and Senlecq were suggesting alternative designs for "telectroscopes."
1880: Inventors like Bell and Edison theorize about telephone devices that transmit image as well as sound. Bell's photophone used light to transmit sound and he wanted to advance his device for image sending. George Carey builds a rudimentary system with light-sensitive cells.
1881: Sheldon Bidwell experiments with telephotography, another photophone.
1884: Paul Nipkow sends images over wires using a rotating metal disk technology calling it the "electric telescope" with 18 lines of resolution.
1900: At the World's Fair in Paris, the 1st International Congress of Electricity was held, where Russian, Constantin Perskyi made the first known use of the word "television."
Soon after, the momentum shifted from ideas and discussions to physical development of TV systems. Two paths were followed:
Mechanical television - based on Nipkow's rotating disks, and
Electronic television - based on the cathode ray tube work done independently in 1907 by English inventor A.A. Campbell-Swinton and Russian scientist Boris Rosing.
1906: Lee de Forest invents the "Audion" vacuum tube that proved essential to electronics. The Audion was the first tube with the ablity to amplify signals. Boris Rosing combines Nipkow's disk and a cathode ray tube and builds the first working mechanical TV system.
1907: Campbell Swinton and Boris Rosing suggest using cathode ray tubes to transmit images - independent of each other, they both develop electronic scanning methods of reproducing images.
American Charles Jenkins and Scotsman John Baird followed the mechanical model while Philo Farnsworth, working independently in San Francisco, and Russian �migr� Vladimir Zworkin, working for Westinghouse and later RCA, advanced the electronic model.
1923: Vladimir Zworykin patents his iconscope a TV camera tube based on Campbell Swinton's ideas. The iconscope, which he called an "electric eye" becomes the cornerstone for further television development. He later develops the kinescope for picture display.
1924 - 1925: American Charles Jenkins and John Baird from Scotland, each demonstrate the mechanical transmissions of images over wire circuits. Photo Left: Jenkin's Radiovisor Model 100 circa 1931, sold as a kit. Baird becomes the first person to transmit moving silhouette images using a mechanical system based on Nipkow's disk. Vladimir Zworykin patents a color television system.
1926: John Baird operates a 30 lines of resolution system at 5 frames per second.
1927: Bell Telephone and the U.S. Department of Commerce conduct the first long distance use of TV, between Washington D.C. and New York City on April 9th. Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover commented, �Today we have, in a sense, the transmission of sight for the first time in the world�s history. Human genius has now destroyed the impediment of distance in a new respect, and in a manner hitherto unknown.� Philo Farnsworth files for a patent on the first complete electronic television system, which he called the Image Dissector.
Most experts in the field credit Philo Farnsworth with the invention of the modern television.


Active Member
RickWhite is a fucking dumb ass!!! I'm not even going to waste anymore time with you "cons" on a Marijuana website. STUPID! Your party doesnt want you!


Well-Known Member
The new world order? hahaha. You sound like one of the crazy fucks that thinks 9/11 was an inside job and the holocaust didn't exist!

We deamonize you repukes because the party as a whole whines like little bitches. You people will look for anything that could possibly be wrong with Obama ie: Hannity acting offended over Obama eating dijon mustard on his burger like an 'elitist liberal'. Republicans seem to have some sort of mental block in their head that keeps things like reality, history, and facts out of their head, and they'd rather only use information that's appealing to their emotions. Hence, FOX news. Everyone knows they're full of shit and they distort facts and use misinformation to push their agenda. You're all the mindless sheeple and the world knows it. Republicans give a bad name for America, it makes the rest the world see us as intolerant, bible thumping, trailer trash rednecks.
What an ignoramus. The new world order was an aspiration of the Nazis.

It is the Left that does all the whining. Just like you are your ilk are always whining because you can't afford to pay my taxes. Keep it up and I won't let your father to cut my lawn next week you loser.

And it was the entrepreneurial spirit created by Capitalism that created all of those inventions, was it not? Those things certainly weren't invented by some pathetic Left wing bum like you.

Stop jacking the thread and go cut another lawn retard.
pmsl. you yanks are the most seriously fucked up sub species of humanity. the WHOLE world thinks ur all idiots. lol , although u did give us The Simpsons. all is forgiven but stop dragging evry1 into pointless wars. let the dumbfucks kill each other.
It's the globalists that do this. We, as people in America are being screwd by our public servants- and we have been being screwed for years.
But until we get over the 'perty politics' and focus on what made us a great nation- more crap will happen in an asortment of ways.

We need to hang the
anti americans that are among us.
Need I say Globalists again?
Better said- look into Builderberg, CFR and Trialateralist to see what 'globalist' means.

I will apllogize for the fools who've not been held accountable by we, the people.. We know the world is watching yet we are spendinmg valuable time fighting one another and not the globalist.

The outfall of what they are doing to us will be manifest when they screw you too.

It's our professional politicians that are doing countless disgusting things.

Please acept our applogizes for not having the power to hold them accountable for the anti human things they've done and are currently doing.
We need your help.
So stay informed.
Yes we did invent it, and the telephone, and the internet.
Not much thanks for saving you in both world wars. We should of let the Nazis invade your shithole of a wetdog smelling country and rape your families.

P.S. Your country has the most ugly chicks and terrible dental hygiene.
What a smack down !!
Give'm a chanse to duck next time.
I'm laughing so hard right now !!
I hope the following is not too long. It is information for both libs and conservs

Knowledge equals freedom

"I attempted to wake up my fellow Americans, who are
either currently slumbering through the collapse of our constitutional
republic or in a protracted state of denial regarding a very real--and very
dangerous--burgeoning New World Order. The information that I need to
disseminate on this matter is so plentiful that it is extremely difficult to
condense into one column. Therefore, I must at least attempt to provide a
little more information on this subject. I will use this column to do just

I already quoted former President George Herbert Walker Bush in my previous
column. Here are more of his quotes. In 1991, Bush, Sr. said, "My vision of
a New World Order foresees a United Nations with a revitalized peacekeeping
function." In 1992, he said, "It is the sacred principles enshrined in the
United Nations charter to which the American people will henceforth pledge
their allegiance."

Wow! I thought U.S. Presidents, as well as all civil magistrates and
military personnel, swore an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution. Not in
Bush's mind, obviously.

On January 25, 1993, Warren Christopher, the new Secretary of State under
Bill Clinton, told CNN: "We must get the New World Order on track and bring
the U.N. into its correct role in regards to the United States."

In 1958, Cleon Skousen, a former FBI agent (a man I was fortunate enough to
get to know before his death), wrote a book entitled "The Naked Communist."
In it, he outlined the long-term communist agenda. Since then, the movers
and shakers of the New World Order have successfully achieved many of these
goals within the U.S. Here are some samples of those goals:

*Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation
and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.

*Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination.

*Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind.

*Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.

*Get control of the schools.

*Infiltrate the press.

*Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

*Break down cultural standards of morality.

*Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with social religion.

*Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate,
old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation
between nations on a worldwide basis.

Is there anyone who cannot see that the purveyors of the New World Order
have largely achieved most of their goals? All they need to do now is tie it
all together under one governmental umbrella.

One of the organizations that is at the forefront of promoting the New World
Order is the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). In my last column, I showed
how the CFR dominates the Presidencies of both Republican and Democratic
administrations (including the current one), as well as the Federal Reserve.
I would even go so far as to say that the CFR is a very "clear and present
danger" to the sovereignty and independence of the United States.

For example, CFR member and UN spokesman, Walt Rostow, said, "It is,
therefore, an American interest to see an end to nationhood."

The American people need to wake up to the fact that the international
banking interests that dominate our political and financial entities are
working tirelessly to "see an end to nationhood." I am talking about the
Rothschilds and Warburgs of Europe, and the houses of J.P. Morgan, Kuhn,
Loeb, Schiff, Lehman, and Rockefeller.

Rear Admiral Chester Ward, who was the Judge Advocate General of the Navy
from 1956-1960 and a former member of the CFR who pulled out after realizing
what they were all about, warned the American people about the dangers of
this and similar organizations (such as the Trilateral Commission). He said,
"The most powerful clique in these elitist groups have one objective in
common--they want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty and the
national independence of the United States. A second clique of international
members in the CFR . . . comprises the Wall Street international bankers and
their key agents. Primarily, they want the world banking monopoly from
whatever power ends up in the control of global government."

Admiral Ward also said, "The main purpose of the Council on Foreign
Relations is promoting the disarmament of U.S. sovereignty and national
independence and submergence into an all powerful, one world government."

Remember, the CFR was incorporated in 1921 and is currently comprised of
only about 4,000 members. The CFR was co-founded by Edward Mandell House and
John D. Rockefeller. Colonel (an honorary title--he was not a military
colonel) House had been the chief advisor of President Woodrow Wilson.
Historians often call House "Wilson's alter ego" due to the powerful
influence he held over the President. House was a rabid Marxist, whose goal
was to socialize the United States. In his book, "Philip Dru:
Administrator," House said he was working for "socialism as dreamed of by
Karl Marx."

House's stated goals were to incorporate a gradual income tax upon the backs
of the American people for the purpose of establishing a state-controlled
central bank. Both of these goals were accomplished in 1913, the very first
year of the House-dominated Wilson administration.

House's blueprint became the foundation for the CFR. What was not
accomplished by the proposed League of Nations at the end of World War I was
realized with the formation of the United Nations at the end of World War
II. Not by accident, much of the original funding for the CFR came from
Rockefeller and J. P. Morgan. President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave CFR
members much authority in his administration, and they have pretty much
dominated the foreign and financial policies of the United States ever

In the April, 1974 edition of the CFR publication, "Foreign Affairs,"
Columbia University Professor and CFR member Richard Gardner wrote a column
entitled, "The Hard Road to World Order." In it, he called for "an end run
around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece." He named the
following organizations that would help fulfill that objective: the
International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the General Agreement on
Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the Law of the Sea Conference, the World Food
Conference, the World Population Conference, and of course, the United
Nations. I would also include NAFTA, the World Trade Organization (WTO), the
Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP), CAFTA, etc.

The CFR has a sister organization called the Trilateral Commission (TC).
This group was co-founded by the Marxist, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and David
Rockefeller. Like Gardner, Brzezinski calls for a piecemeal "movement toward
a larger community of the developed nations . . . through a variety of
indirect ties and already developing limitations on national sovereignty."
(Source: Brzezinski, Between Two Ages, p. 296)

Brzezinski is also a major proponent (along with CFR member Robert Pastor)
of the North American Community (or Union), whose construction began during
the second term of President George W. Bush and continues today under
President Barack Obama.

Here is a sample list of the notable dignitaries in and out of government
who hold (or held) membership in the CFR or TC (and sometimes both):

George Herbert Walker Bush. Bill Clinton. Sandra Day O'Connor. Dick Cheney.
Les Aspin. Colin Powell. Robert Gates. Brent Scowcroft. Jesse Jackson, Sr.
Mario Cuomo. Dan Rather. Tom Brokaw. David Brinkley. John Chancellor. Marvin
Kalb. Diane Sawyer. Barbara Walters. Cyrus Vance. Paul Volcker. Henry
Kissinger. George Schultz. Alan Greenspan. Madeleine Albright. Roger Altman.
Bruce Babbitt. Howard Baker. Samuel Berger. Elaine Chao. Dianne Feinstein.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Chuck Hagel. Gary Hart. John McCain. George Mitchell.
Bill Moyers. Jay Rockefeller. Donna Shalala. Strobe Talbott. Fred Thompson.
Robert Zoellick. Richard Nixon. Hubert H. Humphrey. George McGovern. Gerald
Ford. Jimmy Carter. John Anderson. Walter Mondale. Michael Dukakis. Al Gore.
John Kerry.

It is absolutely essential that we stop looking at potential leaders as
either Democrats or Republicans, or as conservatives or liberals. Those
monikers mean very little today. We must start identifying people as either
Americans or globalists."

From C. Baldwin
posted by me
Yes we did invent it, and the telephone, and the internet.
Not much thanks for saving you in both world wars. We should of let the Nazis invade your shithole of a wetdog smelling country and rape your families.

P.S. Your country has the most ugly chicks and terrible dental hygiene.
What a smack down !!
Give'm a chanse to duck next time.
I'm laughing so hard right now !!