To trim or not to trim ???


Well-Known Member
So this is my girl I am changing res water today and am wondering if if I should trim this auto or let her buck? Because of a photo seed in the mix I needed to go to 12/12 but it is what it is. Any help would be great with her and her sister in water??? I am super new so you won’t offend me,,, let her rip? It is all about learning and I do appreciate it. image.jpgimage.jpg
i don't trim at all. less leaves=less photosynthesis

make sure you have plenty of air movenment. leaves that arent' being used by the plant will die off on their own.

others will tell you the opposite: trim that thing down to twigs. your call.
I had the similar question.. I've grown, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, cantaloupe, watermelons.... I could go on and on.. I honestly get beat harvests when I do trim a lot of my suckers... not too many any one time and use very sharp shears to avoid stress... dont go crazy, leave your large fan leaves... but you can def trim a few of the suckers.. it causes the plant to utilize the photosynthesis and water on what you want to grow.. instead of more useless leaves
I had the similar question.. I've grown, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, cantaloupe, watermelons.... I could go on and on.. I honestly get beat harvests when I do trim a lot of my suckers... not too many any one time and use very sharp shears to avoid stress... dont go crazy, leave your large fan leaves... but you can def trim a few of the suckers.. it causes the plant to utilize the photosynthesis and water on what you want to grow.. instead of more useless leaves
I find that everyone does things differently but I do have to agree on better yields when trimming alongside training, without a doubt! Otherwise why would most growers even bother!? The trick to trimming is the timing, you have to know when to bend branches and when to take off foliage that is getting no light, lolipopping ... ect

Trimming also increase air circulation and helps out with making the buds even so you don't have what you call "popcorn buds"
Some people say to stop trimming at flower. Some professionals say Between Week 3 - 4 of Bloom. Some people say don't trim at all.
If you have really bushy leafy plants you almost have to. I dont like to but I find it almost a necessity leaves that lay on each other cause wet spots. Trim in moderation