To water between feedings or...

Afgan King

Well-Known Member
568 out the tap is really bad 100 is like nothing really and never had an issue people make a bigger deal out of it than they should 150 and lower ppm from tap is nbd


Well-Known Member
That plant is just slightly heavy on N, since your early in flower, you dont have much of a problem as you could use more water and less N through the entire flowering period and end up with the same end product. However, flushing that thing at this point will do NOTHING but harm yield.

Afgan King

Well-Known Member
That plant is just slightly heavy on N, since your early in flower, you dont have much of a problem as you could use more water and less N through the entire flowering period and end up with the same end product. However, flushing that thing at this point will do NOTHING but harm yield.
Agreed Ive never done these crazy full flushes that people talk about and never had a problem I get a crazy fade too I just feed pH 2x in last week which is about 3 gallons of ph'd water each time besides that half feedings or light feedings will be better don't flush unless you're cropping or nute locked


Well-Known Member
If I go to heavy on the N i flush 1 to 1 as described. 5 gallons of dirt gets 5 gallons of water. N is not a huge deal to remove but not removing excess N hurts my bud swell. So I let her dry out normally, do a 1 to 1 flush or sometimes 2 to 1, let her dry out and then resume feeding.


Well-Known Member
I think its better to alternate feed/water with some runoff to leach salts from the soil. The roots can be easily damaged without any real damage showing on the leaves. If the salt content of the soil exceeds the salt content of the plant water will be drawn from the roots in a process called reverse osmosis.


are you still giving these veg nutes ? check your bottles and see as the plants would normally of used up alot of N this stage of growth i would think they are prob getting N in the feed and imo N slows down flowering past 2nd - 3rd week of flower
I fucked up by giving Alaska fish fert like twice at the beginning of flower. I also gradually flipped them into 12/12 over 2.5 weeks(wont do that again) other than that I've switched GH (grow) to GH (bloom) Bio thrive, bio bud, bio weed, bio marine (2-3-1), ran out of diamond black and switched out to ancient earth (Humic acid), cal mag, soul synthetics infinity, molasses, nirvana, big bud, few drops/gal super thrive, silica(pure powder), and aloe flakes. That's my unabashed full on recipe. I know there's overlap that's why I've always used less than recommended. Oh, aurora 707 soil with micorhizae, I've never had any burn or discoloration at all. And I'm using from the wall--500 watts Lumigrow Pro 650 LED white, blue, red, dimmable. Crazy light love it. My dark green glossy Pheno has been that way for weeks and weeks. I fed lightly once and got this "curl thing" goin on. I believe I mis tagged it during a transplant. I think it's a Royal Seed Co. Freebie "Special queen" Pheno. All plants will react a little differently to growing and feeding conditions. I'm just sittin on pins waiting for triches. First run nerves