To yield, or not to yield?

I think I have my first groupie. I am honored to have you aboard Abey as my first groupie.
Momma always said not to open links from strangers. It's the door to the devil.
But I am your friend. And its safe I don't fuck with peoples interweb experience. Its just some stupid site this arsehole former member mainliner made and I had deleted. He comes back every day with sock accounts to try and antagonize me. I'm like fully winning
Well besides the previous dispute loll, your yield is unknown because its a bagseed. The pine scent makes me believe it is an indicia dominant strain. Based on the picture, you can ball park your dry weight at 4 ounces, given you harvest 1 pound (wet weight). In the future it would be more easier to predict your yield if you knew what particular strain your growing. I've been able to predict my yield based on the information of the strains I've bought according to my grow room size.

May the yield be with you, young Jedi.
But I am your friend. And its safe I don't fuck with peoples interweb experience. Its just some stupid site this arsehole former member mainliner made and I had deleted. He comes back every day with sock accounts to try and antagonize me. I'm like fully winning

I will take your word for it but I always listen to momma.