Tobacco grow indoor in growtent, light cycle?


Well-Known Member
I just ordered tobacco seeds, Virginia Gold.
All the threads seems to be outdoor grows and I cant find information regarding the light cycle for tobaccoplants, do you guys/girls have any info regarding light cycle?

Another question I have, do I use regular soil for tomatoes for tobaccoplants as well?

Best regards.


Well-Known Member
not sure but where i live the fines for growing tobacco are like 60k$ per plant or something. its more illegal than weed where i live. Just thought you should know.


Some are day neutral, some are short day plants , I'd do 18 min , than throw just one plant in 12/12 see if it flowers , curing tobacco is harder than growing it , requires alot of humidity to convert all the sugars in the plant, to simple alcohols, with out fermentation


Hey all . Hate or love me for this comment... I live in South central kentucky. I've been a tobacco farmer all my life. I thought once about growing mj inndoors, so I thought wth I'll test my tek on tobacco first. Bought a set. A set consists of 12 tobacco seedlings. I saved one then put rest in my field. I filled a 5 fall bucket with field dirt and miracle grow. A 50/50 mix. Planted the seedling. Put the bucket in my closet under a 600 watt hps lamp. Kept the soil damp but humidity at 50 per cent. On tobacco, which is what I did. Fert with a triple 10. After a schedule of 12 on 12 off, the flowers formed. Cut them or top them at this point. Fert with a standard triple 10. Were looking to max leaf not tops. In a few weeks you should have a plant that is roughly 4 to 5 feet tall with leads as broad as ur hand. Complex yet simple