Tobacco Mosaic Virus???


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I was doing some reading earlier today as I do to pass time and i came across Tobacco Mosaic Virus in cannabis. Interested by the name I looked at what it was and my heart dropped. I wanna say about 5-10% of my fan leaves look like this:
IMG_4719.JPG IMG_4718.JPG

Notice the discoloration in certain areas? I always thought this was just from me accidentally overfeeding or something like that as no problems have ever arose in this plant besides gnats. So..Is this the tobacco mosaic virus and if so do I need to throw away my 3 ft plant I was about to put in flowering?

I just don't know what to do because she's not growing funky at all like i've seen other people with the virus have. I don't want to have this infect my other plants but at the same time im looking at losing probably a few ounce harvest..
Hey guys, I was doing some reading earlier today as I do to pass time and i came across Tobacco Mosaic Virus in cannabis. Interested by the name I looked at what it was and my heart dropped. I wanna say about 5-10% of my fan leaves look like this:
View attachment 3419134 View attachment 3419135

Notice the discoloration in certain areas? I always thought this was just from me accidentally overfeeding or something like that as no problems have ever arose in this plant besides gnats. So..Is this the tobacco mosaic virus and if so do I need to throw away my 3 ft plant I was about to put in flowering?

I just don't know what to do because she's not growing funky at all like i've seen other people with the virus have. I don't want to have this infect my other plants but at the same time im looking at losing probably a few ounce harvest..
I don't understand what you think is wrong with your plant. It looks fine to me, just some of the nitro being use up. Isn't that what the plant is suppose to do? What is this Virus you are talking about? I just look at some picture's, and they do look simerler to yours, it said the only way to remove is to remove the leaves that are infective.
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Id be sure your not dealing with broad mites. That leaf pattern is showing up on a lot of clones I've seen in northern california. Mainly I've seen it on og cuts. Ive always been under the impression its broad mites. Its been argued on this site before. So jury may still be out unless someone really knows.
I vote broadmites or maybe cyclamen mites they are both invisible to the eyes untill you look at 100x and they cause similar damages
No it's NOT TMV or Sunn-Hemp or any other mosaic......

Read these all the way through!

Now quit getting stoned and looking on the net for MM info...

This site is getting soo repetitive....
"yellowing leaves in bloom"
"Do I have mites"
"whats wrong with my plant"
and the dreaded
"TMV" thread comes back again......and some schmuck will argue that I am wrong on everything I said about TMV/Sunn-Hemp....
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can anyone tell me a place to send for lab results this shit gives me a head ack i dont like reading much it sturs up lingering demonds left dormant!!! mongo frog i agree i see it on ogees myself from time to time can someone give me a lab ill send some test samples and finish and realy get to the bottom with real proof i myself would like to know!!
can anyone tell me a place to send for lab results this shit gives me a head ack i dont like reading much it sturs up lingering demonds left dormant!!! mongo frog i agree i see it on ogees myself from time to time can someone give me a lab ill send some test samples and finish and realy get to the bottom with real proof i myself would like to know!!

TMV does not exist in cannabis this was a noob mistake for me. This plant finished fine and yielded around 5 Oz
I think tobacco mosaic virus threads should be deleted as soon as theyre posted.

Everyone's a noob at first not their fault for people spreading false info. The threads are fine cuz they usually end up with people resolving on its fake. Then people will know!
well i hired a young kid he doesnt have a had we call him nubs and he loves to argue he love to argue and well im finding out he aint as bright as he claims i never had any problem but he is trying to kill alot of plants in the grow that we buy and some breed, im considering on giving up at this point with this kid.. experience has surpassed alot book thierist and book slapers id like to call them they swear they read a thread or read some shit and they want to come and in kill life long work lolz its crazzy right!!!!!!!!!