i believe him too, to an extent (not sure what extent, i'm stoned and everyone said no so now i'm double guessing, erm, myself? not sure)
he states that teh church thing is a long story. i could give you a long story as well, and i could guarantee the culmination would be me lighting up a very big reef sat outside the back entrance to the church.. shit happens, deal with it.
and as to teh cops, well sure that can happen. we were driving along, me a friend and the dealer had just gotten in, we'd just pulled off, and woowooowooo, cop smelt the green, had a flag on the plate as it was from previous such occasions, and the guy found a couple of teenths on the dealer. dealer started crying (classic!) so the policeman told us to take him home and get him to bed

that was it. certainly didn't enjoy it, but we somehow got straight out.
and snitching is snitching is snitching. you're buying an illegal product on an illegal market. you don't have rights. you get what you get and tough titties. you wanna rag on him, regardless, you're a snitch. and you never know what the other person is into if they're a drug dealer... i won't lie, i've dealt in the past when i was a wee kiddie (dealt an 8th that ended up getting two 14/15yr old kids expelled from school, never thought about dealing again!), and if the police came to me, i would know that it was due to someone yappin, so i would systematically go to each person i dealt to and give them a smacking!