• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Todat i got caught by the cops and they gave me my weed back



shit like this happens all the time in chicago..... you got cops that dont even respond to shooting calls for a long ass time if ever so it dont surprize me that some cop would be like fuck this paper work kid and give u back ur weed. thats happend to me a few times... more often they take my weed and let me go


Well-Known Member
Canada, that's why it's completely believable both for the church and cop... USA no, canada yes though in the US every once in a great while you can get a sympathetic cop in fact there are even pot smoking cops all over the world they just fake their pee tests or whatever. I know one here, well don't know know him but know he's a daily pot smoker because I used to see him at an old dealers house buying the same chronic I was buying. Talk about weird and unbelievable.


New Member
ur so lucky man i jst gto caught couple weeks bak n now i gotta go to court.............ITS SO GAY !!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i believe him too, to an extent (not sure what extent, i'm stoned and everyone said no so now i'm double guessing, erm, myself? not sure)

he states that teh church thing is a long story. i could give you a long story as well, and i could guarantee the culmination would be me lighting up a very big reef sat outside the back entrance to the church.. shit happens, deal with it.

and as to teh cops, well sure that can happen. we were driving along, me a friend and the dealer had just gotten in, we'd just pulled off, and woowooowooo, cop smelt the green, had a flag on the plate as it was from previous such occasions, and the guy found a couple of teenths on the dealer. dealer started crying (classic!) so the policeman told us to take him home and get him to bed :D that was it. certainly didn't enjoy it, but we somehow got straight out.

and snitching is snitching is snitching. you're buying an illegal product on an illegal market. you don't have rights. you get what you get and tough titties. you wanna rag on him, regardless, you're a snitch. and you never know what the other person is into if they're a drug dealer... i won't lie, i've dealt in the past when i was a wee kiddie (dealt an 8th that ended up getting two 14/15yr old kids expelled from school, never thought about dealing again!), and if the police came to me, i would know that it was due to someone yappin, so i would systematically go to each person i dealt to and give them a smacking!


Well-Known Member
ur so lucky man i jst gto caught couple weeks bak n now i gotta go to court.............ITS SO GAY !!
Same here. Court in August. Why don't we get to deal with the chill cops?

This party I was at got raided and I was in an unfamiliar neighborhood with my car out front. It was a low key party, so I thought it was safe to park at the house but some dumb girl left before I got there and she got pulled over driving and I guess she snitched and the cops decided to come look at the house. I didn't think it was smart to run for it through an unfamiliar neighborhood while my car was at the house. Also I had the only VT car, and it was a pretty small party with nobody else running. I thought maybe if I was cool and cooperative they wouldn't bust me but nope, I got cuffed and taken down to the station.

Don't cops have more serious things to deal with? They spent probably 3 hours between the party and the paper work to bust a few kids. There must be some hard drugs around or some violent crime. :confused:

I got lucky that the cops didn't search my bag because I had a bunch of pills in there. They looked through my friends bag which was right next to mine. Close call.


New Member
yea bro its sucks...i got court on sept.

it was me & a friend hotboxin 1 nite at a waterfront prolly arourd 10-11pm.... n dis area is said to be a hot spot for cops, but me & my friend have always smoked there we pretty much owned d spot (except for some older head which is also a pothead dat owned dat spot years b4 us)......well dat night we parked in the parkinglot but the way we parked is dat we saw out into the water meaning dat d road is behind us....so while we wer in d middle of our smoke session we jst c bright lights..it was so bright wen i turned around i couldnt even c who it was...so i new it was POPO !! i couldv got in more trouble cuz i had a couple bags ,a pocketknife , and a pipe n dey didnt find none of it ! =]

& d crazy part was right b4 i lit d blunt i got a sale frm dis chick so i told her 2 meet me at d waterfront so wen i gave her a bag she told me n my friend that this area is bad n we shouldnt b smokin here cuz ders alot of cops n we wer like pshhh dont worry bout us we own dis spot ...................CARMAS A BITCH !!


Well-Known Member
Enough about ratting jesus christ is this forums comprised of crips and bloods or what? Listen to what he said the guy took his money and ran off with no weed exchanged anyone of you would be pissed to... All i gotta say is I cant wait to move to canada, cause that story about the cops is badass, here in TX you would have a gun pointed in your face screaming get on the ground...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
we listened to what he said, we're quite aware of the scenario.

it's snitching.... don't have to be a crip or a blood to think this.... especially when you're not even pointing the finger at the right person, jsut someone that annoyed you...

so you also think that if you break up witnb your GF on bad terms, you've cheated, lied to her or something, then it's acceptable for her to call the cops on your grow and get you locked up... hahaha, cus it's essentially the same situation ya know, nowt different other than one is a criminal in the first place, and the other is your ex


Well-Known Member
we listened to what he said, we're quite aware of the scenario.

it's snitching.... don't have to be a crip or a blood to think this.... especially when you're not even pointing the finger at the right person, jsut someone that annoyed you...

so you also think that if you break up witnb your GF on bad terms, you've cheated, lied to her or something, then it's acceptable for her to call the cops on your grow and get you locked up... hahaha, cus it's essentially the same situation ya know, nowt different other than one is a criminal in the first place, and the other is your ex

Good point didnt see it like that...

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
I'll give you the benefit of a doubt and will take your story as the truth.
Since you mentioned a skate board, I will assume your on the younger side of the age curve.

#1 You may of just got lucky and the officer(s) were in a good mood.

#2 You may of been to young and they didn't want the paperwork for a minor(s) who would get a slap on the wrist, if even that.

Make no mistake, you are now known to the police that you smoke MJ. They may be watching you to see where you go and who you meet, or they may just not give a crap and it is a done deal.

If I was you, do not EVER drive dirty again. They may at a later date get you with some lame traffic charge, search the vehicle, and bust you as an easy bust on a slow day. If you were underage, they may wait until you reach adult age and then try and catch you.

Either way, you just cashed in a "get out of jail" card. Do not take that lightly, as you may never get one of those cards again.


Well-Known Member
is being pulled over for a traffic stop count as probable cause? otherwise just say no to any search w/o a warrant, they can frisk you but they can only look in areas readily accsesible to the public in ur car, he'd need a warrant to actually search throughyour vehicle just make sure ya dont leave roaches or anything incriminating yourself out in the open. on cops i felt so bad for this one guy.......he got pulled over and talked to the cop and the cop was just gonna give him a speeding ticket, as the cop was walking away at the last second he glanced back after he got the ticket signed and "sir, you wouldnt happen to have any mj in the vehicle do you?" guy said no, cops ask if he would mind if the cop searched the car, guy says he doesnt have anything at all and just wants to leave, cop.......i can see the big joints behind each of your ears. guy...."FUCK!!!!!" he had 10 lbs in his trunk and 5 under his seat.


Well-Known Member
Learn how to form a fucking sentence. Holy shit.
No kidding! I couldn't even read the OP, just gave up. Perfection isn't to be expected (after all, it's "just" the Internet! :roll:), but a period here and a comma there would help others read what one is supposedly attempting to communicate! I've learned not to complain much, else be labeld as a Spelling/Grammar Nazi. Most often I only remark on such things when one posts about one's vast superior intelligence over others, with an atrocious "use of language" if it can even be dignified with that term. However, those that don't bother to make what they're typing at least somewhat readable don't get their "communication" read by many. It's simply not worth that much effort.

Don't cops have more serious things to deal with? They spent probably 3 hours between the party and the paper work to bust a few kids. There must be some hard drugs around or some violent crime. :confused:
Ah, c'mon.... dontcha know by now that cannibis is the gateway drug to all the hard drugs and violent crimes?! Get with the program! :lol:


Well-Known Member
dude, lay the fuck off him if someone rips u off they broke/violated your trust which is a very serious offense, if he did it to u what would stop this crooked dealer from ripping off other people? fuck them guys they deserve to get busted.
SNITCHES IS BITCHES !!! Down in my neck of the woods we handle motherfuckers who cross us the old fashion way....rob his ass. Jack all of his shit, weed, tvs, money, jewelry, guns, pitbull puppies, CDs, the batteries in his fuckin remote, EVERYTHING. NO ONE DESERVES TO GET BUSTED !!! Handle your own problems and leave the police out of it.


1. Smoking in a church parking lot with permission, interesting. I say bullshit.

2. Ratting someone who crossed you still makes you a rat.

3. Learn how to form a fucking sentence. Holy shit.

I'm willing to bet you're under 18 and probably don't belong here. Getting arrested for doing something quite stupid would have probably been a learning experience, they sure go out of their way to let the WRONG people off with warnings.....
hes from quebec man there main language is french so it has to be hard to write a sentence in english but i also have a feeling hes to young to be on this site