today is good for watching fox news

i really dont know... growing up i always heard that if you suck just one dick, for the rest of your life your a cock sucker.. now with the current laws that doesn't seem to be as bad as it was then... i hope americans are happy... not really proud to be an american today.. i do wish all the people making comments against my GOD all the happiness they deserve.. i hope all there kids turn out to great americans who suck dick...

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
i really dont know... growing up i always heard that if you suck just one dick, for the rest of your life your a cock sucker.. now with the current laws that doesn't seem to be as bad as it was then... i hope americans are happy... not really proud to be an american today.. i do wish all the people making comments against my GOD all the happiness they deserve.. i hope all there kids turn out to great americans who suck dick...
Oh, please. All you've done is show what a complete ignorant fool you are. Go crawl back into your fundamentalist evangelical shit hole.
yes you are correct the bible does say that... but man has rejected GOD's sabbath... they choose their own day not the one GOD ask them to remember... im sure GOD knew we'd forget...
ok my bad not man but the catholic church made that decision for man... im pretty sure its Daniel that spoke of the beast seeking to change GOD's times and law... only one law that has anything to do with time... and its common knowledge that the catholic church changed it...
ok, i really feel like crap here... i feel so all alone.. this conversation has become about does GOD love gays... my opinion has been that he wouldn't have voted for any bill promoting homosexuality... carne believes himself to be the victim of bigoted society.. he's now giddy with excitement that several gay bills were put into law.. carne claims to be a "christain".. his views are these laws are pleasing to GOD..

i've sit here most of a good day, trying to defend a GOD that I thought many might know here.. seems i've been mistaken.. in fact ive been hammered from every varible... ive tried to respond with scripture from the bible.. im familiar with the christain bible and im sure its the same one carne uses...

my last response on the topic will only be asking from you carne, or you Dr Gruber.. (i think i may smell a little penis on your breath)... is please give me some scripture from the same bible, the bible we both know and love, supporting your belief that GOD would endorse these new laws....


Well-Known Member
It makes me happy that caregiver and his latent homosexuality manifesting as bigotry will die soon enough. Here is hoping for him to be hit by a bus. And soon.
np guys i understand some what... maybe not the connection with buses and homo's or rest areas and homo's but i think i understand most...carne i can appreciate your need to be accepted, hearing about your past...claiming to be a christian makes you feel like people will be more accepting... maybe think your some kind of good person... when both you and i know your a cock sucking sinner.. your here on this mj forum so i'd bet you've partaken of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil... you know the difference... you know GOD hates a cock sucker... thou shall not take the lord thy GOD's name in vain...its my believe that most christians dont even understand this commandment.. the church wants you to believe that by saying the slang god damn you've broken that commandment... but let me fill ya in you sinner... im sure your a vain person, i can just tell by your avatar... bet you cant pass a mirror without checkin yourself out.. maybe straightening your sunglasses or combing your hair.. maybe just standing there admiring yourself.. ya thats vain... and when you've tried to use GOD to make yourself look good you've broken that commandment.. yep if you take his name in vain he promises not to hold you guiltless... maybe you should stop yourself next time you have that desire to be accepted and claim to be accepted by GOD... when this plan of GOD's comes to fruition and you see the gnashing of teeth.. think of the caregiver...

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Are you having a fucking seizure or something? No one gives a shit what you think. You are irrelevant. A vestigial organ that needs excising. Fade into history, bigot. Your days are over.


Well-Known Member
np guys i understand some what... maybe not the connection with buses and homo's or rest areas and homo's but i think i understand most...carne i can appreciate your need to be accepted, hearing about your past...claiming to be a christian makes you feel like people will be more accepting... maybe think your some kind of good person... when both you and i know your a cock sucking sinner.. your here on this mj forum so i'd bet you've partaken of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil... you know the difference... you know GOD hates a cock sucker... thou shall not take the lord thy GOD's name in vain...its my believe that most christians dont even understand this commandment.. the church wants you to believe that by saying the slang god damn you've broken that commandment... but let me fill ya in you sinner... im sure your a vain person, i can just tell by your avatar... bet you cant pass a mirror without checkin yourself out.. maybe straightening your sunglasses or combing your hair.. maybe just standing there admiring yourself.. ya thats vain... and when you've tried to use GOD to make yourself look good you've broken that commandment.. yep if you take his name in vain he promises not to hold you guiltless... maybe you should stop yourself next time you have that desire to be accepted and claim to be accepted by GOD... when this plan of GOD's comes to fruition and you see the gnashing of teeth.. think of the caregiver...
Woa.... Wait really? Are you actually serious?


Active Member
np guys i understand some what... maybe not the connection with buses and homo's or rest areas and homo's but i think i understand most...carne i can appreciate your need to be accepted, hearing about your past...claiming to be a christian makes you feel like people will be more accepting... maybe think your some kind of good person... when both you and i know your a cock sucking sinner.. your here on this mj forum so i'd bet you've partaken of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil... you know the difference... you know GOD hates a cock sucker... thou shall not take the lord thy GOD's name in vain...its my believe that most christians dont even understand this commandment.. the church wants you to believe that by saying the slang god damn you've broken that commandment... but let me fill ya in you sinner... im sure your a vain person, i can just tell by your avatar... bet you cant pass a mirror without checkin yourself out.. maybe straightening your sunglasses or combing your hair.. maybe just standing there admiring yourself.. ya thats vain... and when you've tried to use GOD to make yourself look good you've broken that commandment.. yep if you take his name in vain he promises not to hold you guiltless... maybe you should stop yourself next time you have that desire to be accepted and claim to be accepted by GOD... when this plan of GOD's comes to fruition and you see the gnashing of teeth.. think of the caregiver...
That's a pretty nasty thing to say, not to mention dead wrong. People like you, give humanity a bad name. I pray to god you have not procreated. If you have I hope they were taken away from you before you could spread your vile archaic homophobic traits and beliefs on to them. I find your humor lacking, your intellect below average, and your humanity unevolved. Is there any redeeming quality about you? If there is a god, (and you should pray there isn't) you would be the one suffering that fate. :o

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
the butthurt is delightful.

unlike the republicans who post here who can and have run away for the most part, they have to be there and have their butthurt on full display.

Hey Uncle Buck......

Just so you know......I am a republican.......and I haven't ran from anything ever..................nitro..


Well-Known Member
np guys i understand some what... maybe not the connection with buses and homo's or rest areas and homo's but i think i understand most...carne i can appreciate your need to be accepted, hearing about your past...claiming to be a christian makes you feel like people will be more accepting... maybe think your some kind of good person... when both you and i know your a cock sucking sinner.. your here on this mj forum so i'd bet you've partaken of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil... you know the difference... you know GOD hates a cock sucker... thou shall not take the lord thy GOD's name in vain...its my believe that most christians dont even understand this commandment.. the church wants you to believe that by saying the slang god damn you've broken that commandment... but let me fill ya in you sinner... im sure your a vain person, i can just tell by your avatar... bet you cant pass a mirror without checkin yourself out.. maybe straightening your sunglasses or combing your hair.. maybe just standing there admiring yourself.. ya thats vain... and when you've tried to use GOD to make yourself look good you've broken that commandment.. yep if you take his name in vain he promises not to hold you guiltless... maybe you should stop yourself next time you have that desire to be accepted and claim to be accepted by GOD... when this plan of GOD's comes to fruition and you see the gnashing of teeth.. think of the caregiver...
you have converted me.

i will now accept god into my heart so as to increase the likelihood that you get hit by a bus when i pray for such tonight.