Today was one of those lucky days you wish you had every day....


Active Member
I went with my partner to her olds place this morning, to help her with some odd jobs shes doing for them.

Her younger brother had (now living overseas) a crapped out campavan parked at the back of the house. Ive seen it a million times and never thought to have a look its been there for about 8 years. I told my partner i would be up in a second and had a nosy around the caravan.

What i was doing there im not sure, but i saw a gas bottle fixed to back of it which looked in good condition. So i thought to myself i will ask him if he wants to sell it for $20 buck or something as i need one for my BBQ at home. I came around further and got to the door, well wouldn't ya know... open.

Wallop.... boy did i get a surprise...

NOTE: In my introduction i mentioned i am a first time grower newbie etc. and that because of budget limits i was going to stick with CFL's coz i cant afford the ballasts, bulbs, shades etc. I posted that lastnight, and im posting this today.


Brand new 600W Lush Grow HPS with suited Ballast. Beutiful hanging shade mount thing with hooks and bungy's. 12v water pump with a bubbler thingy (dont know the name), and transformer. Box of Jiffy things for germinating. Two timers, one temperature gauge (for some reason its in farenheit, but who's complaining) tubes for water, bags for plants... power leads, surge protectors.... reservoiiurs 50 ltr X 2....couldn't have started the day better.

Needless to say EVERYTHING WENT INTO THE BOOT OF THE CAR! and is now reasting in my spare room, soon to be not so spare *lol*.

However, although i intend on using all the stuff for the grow light, im not sure at this stage if i wanna tackle the "hydro" side of the setup, im new to this and it seems doing things the hydro way requires more knowledge than i have. So im gonna stick with buckets and good old mother earth for my first crop.

Got everything i need today....didn't spend a cent.


Going to cook some dinner now for me and kids.


Active Member
So you stole some grow supplies your friends brother left in his van? Gratz!
... ha ha NO!.... done him a favour actually, just got of MSN with him he lives overseas.... told him i got his stuff, he was stoked he thought his parents threw that stuff out months back. I told him i will flick him a few bucks, what i can afford, he said not to worry just keep a couple of heads for him when he comes over for holidays. So no... not stolen :p


Active Member
Yeah and the good news keep on coming.... just got email from BDS saying my Lowryders are officially en-route. They say i got between 2 and 4 weeks before they arrive. So i guess over the next few weeks i will build the room, and dismantle it so if the blue guys turn up when my seeds do they wont find shit! Will germinate the seeds straight away, and re-assemble the grow room (was gonna be a CFL cabinet but now with the HPS im gonna make a room with venting and do the SOG method). Its gonna take a while coz my bones are fucked lately and im moving real slow.

Advice please: Whats better to line the walls with, aluminium foil, white plastic or shiny silver thermal stuff that builders have??? Its what ive got already so dont suggest anything else as i want to use what i have.

Also, i have some mirrors in the garage are they worth using to reflect or not?

How close can a 600w hps be to the plant before it burns, approximately will do fine?


Rebel From The North
Yeah and the good news keep on coming.... just got email from BDS saying my Lowryders are officially en-route. They say i got between 2 and 4 weeks before they arrive. So i guess over the next few weeks i will build the room, and dismantle it so if the blue guys turn up when my seeds do they wont find shit! Will germinate the seeds straight away, and re-assemble the grow room (was gonna be a CFL cabinet but now with the HPS im gonna make a room with venting and do the SOG method). Its gonna take a while coz my bones are fucked lately and im moving real slow.

Advice please: Whats better to line the walls with, aluminium foil, white plastic or shiny silver thermal stuff that builders have??? Its what ive got already so dont suggest anything else as i want to use what i have.

Also, i have some mirrors in the garage are they worth using to reflect or not?

How close can a 600w hps be to the plant before it burns, approximately will do fine?
white plastic, aluminium will cause hot spots, and i dont know about that thermal shit, id use the white poly plastic