Token Paraplegic's Grow Thread Updated Every 12 Hours!






ok so I need you guys to let me know what you think about the sex of it I am thinking female 80% I need you guys to let me know how your liking the pics and so forth.
In that last picture I see something token in between that node. Check it with a magnifying glass it may be a small flower. There are more in the second to last picture too. If you can look close up you can probably tell . . . .
Ok token, been keeping up with you and you confirmed sex.

Dont go head over heals yet, make sure no male organs form. its classic to see new leaf growth as possible pistols. your plant has good structure, lets see how purdy you can get her.

When you done , i will give you a peak at my girls......

I was wondering if there is anything i should know or do now that i know its a female or just keep it on the 12/12 cycle, i am feeding it sugar water right now because i don't have molasses.
On Token's behalf (hey Toke! :D) I'd like to ask if anyone knows whether brown or white sugar is better for the plants?
NICE hope she dosent turn out ta be a hermi. My rhinos just passed week one an look pretty nice! lik i said its great for leg spastisity fer us paras...walkies love it too!
On Token's behalf (hey Toke! :D) I'd like to ask if anyone knows whether brown or white sugar is better for the plants?

dude where have you been! I think white sugar is the best, correct me if I am wrong, but that what I have been reading

NICE hope she dosent turn out ta be a hermi. My rhinos just passed week one an look pretty nice! lik i said its great for leg spastisity fer us paras...walkies love it too!

yea i hope not either, but yea I cant wait I am germinating some more seeds today to really get some more yield thought about starting out with around 2-3 more
I've been around, dude. It's a long story, but I'm back now.

You can clone her by snipping off a branch that has grown to about 3-4 inches in length.

What makes you think it's too late? Just remember...the only way you can tell if the plant is female (and even WORTH cloning) is to put it into flowering (or wait until it shows preflowers, but that could take a month or more).

At this point you can clone your plant (now you can be 100% sure that the clone will be a female because it's a CLONE OF A FEMALE), and you won't have to worry about sexing it, so if you want, you can leave it in vegetation for however long you want because no matter what, it'll be a female! Why? Because it's a CLONE (copy) of a FEMALE!

If it were up to me, I'd grow a plant until its branches were "cloneable", then put it into flowering. Once I know it's a female, I'd take 1 clone and start a new plant (guaranteed female). This way, I can have the original plant in flowering while the clone can remain in veg for however long I want! Then just before I decide to put the second plant into flowering, I'll take a clone of and leave the clone in veg! It's a beautiful cycle...

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!
i wish my damn batteries wouldnt have died on me now i cant take pics, i got a branch that would be perfect for cloning but it has a bud starting on it(thats why i think its too late) my plant now has buds all over it! now i just got to go get some batteries so I can show you want i am talking about....let me go try to find some................dammit didnt find any!