Token Paraplegic's Grow Thread Updated Every 12 Hours!

so that remindes me bro i planted two bag seeds last week to in my jamacan bannana trees's pot, looked today and they both sprouted! might be cool ta do a paras only grow thread?!?
yah is really dosent work, and ol boy ohsogreen told me it will hatch fruit flys in my plants roots....

wash the bananas after u get em from the store, that will get rid of the fruit fly eggs if there was any that came with ur fruit. Some people, including me, thought that these fkin flies just get born outta nowhere, because they just show up outta the blue , and its like the just materialize from nothing lol... but the eggs actually come from fruit that u buy at the store. wash em first and u wont have any trouble.
yo braw that banana trick has to be the stupidest thing i've ever heard. come braw u think cuz your last plant came out a female that its was thanks to your magical bananas? dont believe everything u read. alazae and weed!lol look dog a plant will be whatever it was born to be from the minute it sprouted. i really think that if u a rookie then u shouldnt be tryin to give out advice to anybody your just makin there grow more complicated with minimal results. no disrespect and all but for real ive seen what you've grown and you got a lot to learn.

yea man it works something about the gases it releases helps turn it female, did it on my last plant and it turned out female
yo braw that banana trick has to be the stupidest thing i've ever heard. come braw u think cuz your last plant came out a female that its was thanks to your magical bananas? dont believe everything u read. alazae and weed!lol look dog a plant will be whatever it was born to be from the minute it sprouted. i really think that if u a rookie then u shouldnt be tryin to give out advice to anybody your just makin there grow more complicated with minimal results. no disrespect and all but for real ive seen what you've grown and you got a lot to learn.

haha i love how peaple on here get off on talkin shit...plz you fkkin dumb fk dont act like a bud god, if you took the time ta learn and read you would see we alwready know its stupid.. but since your such a fukkin idiot you dident look at that did you. go talk shit ta some one who cares guy.
Sorry guys for some reason the website wouldn't let me on and i started a whole new grow with just one plant made a new lil grow closet out of my computer desk, here's some pics.



The remote ballast was very cheap to make. Basically the econolight comes assembled but with no power cord. So materials were, 1 8ft 2 prong extension cord $2, 1 20ft 3 prong outdoor extension cord $8, electrical tape and wire nuts $3. To remote, remove glass and shield, this should expose the socket. There are two screws that hold the round metal thing that the glass screws into, remove those and the socket and the metal piece should all pull out. I cut the black and white wires that were expose, spliced and extended them using the 2 prong extension cord, tape and cap, and thats all there is to remoting the ballast. To wire to the wall just match colors, the copper wire goes with the green.
and all the haters on the bananas i understand that you dont believe that it works but hey if it helps me to get a female then hey ill do anything to get a female also i heard and read on a well respected site that if you interrupt the dark cycle with one hour of light then back to dark it influences it to be female but hey what do I know right lol and FarmingToronto has defiantly tried this too but no one commented or made fun of him so why dont you slip on over to his theard and give him shit ok
obviously your gayass cares.....dont get so mad tough guy and listen u lil fag compare to your growin skills i am a god your fuckin pathetic and thats y your mad! go read some more kiddie books on growing! its nerds like u who give real croppers a bad name.. get the fuck out of town with your wack shit!

haha i love how peaple on here get off on talkin shit...plz you fkkin dumb fk dont act like a bud god, if you took the time ta learn and read you would see we alwready know its stupid.. but since your such a fukkin idiot you dident look at that did you. go talk shit ta some one who cares guy.