Token Paraplegic
Well-Known Member
ok just realized my lights didnt go off last night, so it got no dark time, is that ok or what should i do?
ok just realized my lights didnt go off last night, so it got no dark time, is that ok or what should i do?
well decided today im going to add 3 42w cfls instead of the hps. i have 4 that have sprouted under just one 42 watt in my little starter box, so i will have a total of 4 42w cfls and 2 23w cfls so i think that will be good till i get payed next time. there so cute when they are small lol, oh and a update on isabelle she is now getting harvested im going to throw her in the dark for 2 days straight so she think she is dying and it will pull all the thc to the buds to try to recover. her buds never really got big and im kinda disapointed in her but i have learned alot and now that i know i will do some things differently.
ok just realized my lights didnt go off last night, so it got no dark time, is that ok or what should i do?
Beautiful little girls... I'd like to see this one.
looking good bro i hope shes a she lol
You better but alot of incense
if u dont see its sex with in the first 7-10 days then u got more of a chance of getting your self some nice looking females! guys tend to show their sex with in the first week of flowering and girls usually take about 2-3 weeks sometimes. so good job job!