Tokin Question


Well-Known Member
Y oguys, last night i went to a strip club for the first time. I also went to a hookah hut 4 the first time. And just now i smoked a kief bowl for the first time. i was thinking of some good questions, like for tokin and talkin.

Here's mine>

If you are a country going to war with another country of equal size, population and resources, what percent of your country's population would u send to the war.
And it's 50%guys 50%girls.

personally, i'd send around 60 percent before i surrendered.


Well-Known Member
60 % is kinda high (like u are, im guessin)

Good thing yur not the prez, or i might b goin right now.

And fuck sending so many people, we need to focus on using missiles ( along w/ anti-missile missiles) and War-bots too.

It only seems more efficient and effective


Well-Known Member
if ur sending 60% of ur population eventually, that means I am statistical most likey to be going to war (and end up dying, since u needed to send 60% of ur pop). Ya, if ur prez, im offically canadian.

Got some good bud ehh?


Well-Known Member
i mean thats a funny question but how many countries can you count that have equal population/resources/ size/? i cant think of any nor do i know the population or resources of any particular country