Tokin Tools?


Active Member
kid if you really wanna smoke and aint got nothin, go with a apple or potato pipe. matter of fact ive been smokin out of a potato for like 3 weeks lol. i broke all my pipes and bongs
Dude, only recommend foodstuffs as a pipe for emergencies, Mold will grow on the food pretty quickly and the byproducts of decayyyyyyyy.........I'm so high..........singing hiiiiiiiiiiii
Made an apple pipe once.. Was interesting :P
Tons of foil have been made to good use as well ;]
Once made a three chamber bong with water bottles, mechincal pencils and duct tape.. worked fantastic. I was henceforth named Macguyver with those guys heheh..


Well-Known Member
One of my favorite pipes I ever made was out of a coconut.

there are 2 ways..

First find a nice nut, it's better if it's kinda small and fits well in the hand, you will be poking out one of the three covered holes in the back so palm the coconut and find the best hole to use as a choke hole..
Once you have chosen your nut, choose one of the following methods..

Method 1: The long way but the coolest way..

Step 1.
Drill the choke hole out, drill a toke hole (in the opposite end of the nut from the choke hole, in the very pointy tip of the nut), and drill a hole for the bowl (on top of the nut while you're holding it with your finger on the choke.

Step 2.
Chuck it in the garden and leave it there for 3 - 4 months.

Step 3.
Grab the coconut from the garden and wash it out good, get all the bugs and dirt and old stuff out of it.. Use soap and wash it many times.

Step 4.
Insert your bowl in the top of the nut and smoke away!

Method 2: The quick way

Step 1.
Drill all your holes just like method 1

Step 2.
Using a good fine wood saw, cut the nut in half in the middle

Step 3.
Using a knife and a spoon, get all the meat out until you have just the wooden nut.

Step 4.
Sand the edges of the cut with rough sandpaper or a file to give it some texture.

Step 5.
Use a good wood glue and glue the 2 halves together, make sure you line it up so it is the way it was before you cut it.

Step 6.
After the glue drys, insert your bowl and smoke away!

Method 1 is better cause you don't get a seam, it looks better. But the results are the same..

After smoking through the nut for a while, it will darken from the resin and get a good stain from your hand oils and the resin. They look awesome after a while. I have one that's about 6 years old right now.
My dad has one from the 60's. It's almost black :)


As you can see, this is a method 2 nut, I have a couple others but this is my oldest.


Active Member
Dude, only recommend foodstuffs as a pipe for emergencies, Mold will grow on the food pretty quickly and the byproducts of decayyyyyyyy.........I'm so high..........singing hiiiiiiiiiiii
I usually toss my home made pipes I make out of Apples or potatoes the day after I use them


Well-Known Member
man how awesome does that taste through the nut Tym?
Dude, it's the smoothest smoke you'll ever get.. It just circles around in there nicely and mixes awesome with the air.. It is my favorite smoking instrument.


Active Member
(or steal one from the nearby store)
Stealing a lighter? lol.

You dont always have to make a shitty piece when you dont have anything else.

I always find ways to make pieces that function first, and look good second. Recently, i made a quad-perc waterpipe out of 4 "Smart Water" waterbottles connected on-top of one another...

The "smart-water bong" has become really popular....All you need to make it is a decent bowl/downstem, some smart water bottles (same size), some standard plastic "spice bottles", some clear tubing, and either Hot-Melt glue or silicone glue.

(not me in the video)
Theres more than a few videos of these....they are so cheap and easy to make...and they work just like a $2-300 multi perc bong. Although not as good looking.

Anyways...that water-bottle bong is the best working piece ive ever made...I used a GOG downstem and bowl combo on mine, i just hot glued it into place.....Works so well.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I don't ever take anything around with me in my pockets etc, i ust find that a little weird, if you're suffering from huge amounts of pain, amybe i can accept it, but the idea of carrying skins and such around just in case you find some smoke or meet someone with some smoke, seems sad to me :D At home i have rizzla and a lighter, that's all that's ever been needed.


New Member
I'm a huge blunt guy. I can always manage to head to the gas station and pick up a Game blunt or DutchMasters and roll it on up. Only thing is, I reek of bud afterward. I just spray Squelch on my fingers and clothes though and I'm straight. It's like the only product that you can spray on your body that totally gets rid of the stink.


New Member

  • I'm a huge blunt guy. I can always manage to head to the gas station and pick up a Game blunt or DutchMasters and roll it on up. Only thing is, I reek of bud afterward. I just spray Squelch on my fingers and clothes though and I'm straight. It's like the only product that you can spray on your body that totally gets rid of the stink.​



Well-Known Member

  • I'm a huge blunt guy. I can always manage to head to the gas station and pick up a Game blunt or DutchMasters and roll it on up. Only thing is, I reek of bud afterward. I just spray Squelch on my fingers and clothes though and I'm straight. It's like the only product that you can spray on your body that totally gets rid of the stink.​

you can stop the smell from sticking to you by having skittles on you.. it works like a stainless steel and onion cuttings it prevents the smell..


Well-Known Member
Made a full size bong with pill bottles. stacked 8 high drilled like 5 holes in bottoms of all then took a soda can and with some work and hot glue andd glass stem i had made a working bong. it was awsome until i broke it