Toking around strangers

Chester da Horse

Well-Known Member
Before I had a grow op at my place, I used to smoke openly and share Js with my tradies, my gardener, door to door saleskids etc.

Now theres a repair dude crawling around under the house.

I got the girls stashed in a spare bathroom no one will see or smell, and I been doin some cloning this morning, but I feel edge about lighting up...

wait I forget, when they rocked up I was hot boxing my ute up out front. fuck

they're like fresh outta highschool utility corp technicals, and they're listening to dubstep and sound dabbed out anyway...

but I'm edgy

gotta have a J
well, scored some 16" insulated ducting off the guys,

I can slip my 5ix" canfan into it and it 5hould make the 5ecret 5tealth cave more 5ilent.
Yeah, man. It always puts me on edge when any tech guys come out: meter readers, bug guys, repair dudes, etc.. I know they can't smell my grow, but still... One time electricians came to rewire and they unexpectedly had to shut off the mains to the house. Holy shit!!! I knew it was gonna start stinking bad FAST. So I sat outside my growroom, smoked cigarette after cigarette and made sure a vanilla incense still was constantly burning. Even with all that, you could start to smell the room after a couple hours. They turned the power on, the smell disappeared, and so did they. I was on edge an entire month after that, expecting to be swatted or something. Scary shit...
I was smoking a bowl out in my backyard the other day and my neighbor had someone in his backyard taking measurements or something. No idea what they were doing really, none of my business.

But I knew they knew what I was doing. Made me nervous at first and I started to stop, but decided to say fuck it. I hate leaving a bowl half finished so I just tanked it real quick and lit a cigarette immediately after.

As far as toking with strangers I do it every chance I can get. I love making new friends :D
I got a new AC a few weeks ago. The guy installing it walks in the front door and sees the hooka and asks what are you guys smoking out of that hahaha. So i ordered a pizza and rolled one up for when he finished. I wasn't too worried about it, the guy looked like he had already hit the meth pipe a few times that day and after we smoked the joint he pulled out a bowl and a little nug to smoke on.
Since it's been decrimined and gone medical around here I don't give a F about who's around, for the most part. Laws have changed so smells aren't enough to trigger a search anymore, it's not even a valid probable cause for a vehicle search anymore.
Smoking in public is one of the best ways to get new custies. While I was building my client base a few years ago, I would often smoke a J down at the lakefront. Most people just looked over smiling and talked among themselves, few people looked at me disapprovingly, and a few always asked for a hit. I let them know I sell this shit, and about a quarter of those became loyal customers. I am currently producing more than I'm selling and shit is backing up. I need to get my ass back to the lake to market my wares. Fuck, I hate working...
Another thread i didnt read..
I always smoke around new people, i met an awesome homless dude and his wife. Good people, came on some hard times. I smelled like dank he asks if he can hit some. I give him a gram or two.
Its called being friendly.
First thing anyone asks around here, you smoke? Smoke what? Weed of course..
Its like offering someone a drink or a bite to eat when they come in your home.
Maybe thats just part of "southern hospitality"..
And nobody cares about weed anymore. Yea im in a hippy town but still, ask if they smoke, if they dont nothing happens, they just dont. Iike a cigarette.. even the law around here doesnt care for the most part
And nobody cares about weed anymore. Yea im in a hippy town but still, ask if they smoke, if they dont nothing happens, they just dont. Iike a cigarette.. even the law around here doesnt care for the most part

That's the best part around here..cops don't care about weed. I've talked to a quite a few who love the fact it's decrimin. around here. The few i talked to said their jobs have gotten easier because they aren't dealing with the stupid calls of " i smell weed at my neighbors" or similar. They usually don't even confiscate it if your under the limits, even though they are supposed to and issue a citation, most of them realize it isn't a public safety/legal issue....... the times they are a-changin'
daedMau5 is good, but I pray to the robots of house music,


hypnotic when motorcycle riding, and some of my favourite tracks to get high to are from daft.
I got picked up by plain clothes cops while smoking a joint in the middle of the crowd in a music festival and ever since ive been extremely aware of my surroundings and careful of who im around when smoking in illegal states.