tolerance break advice

ive been smoking every day for almost 2 years and want to take a break.I also have a piss test in 2 1/2 to 3 weeks. I was wondering what I should expect in the first couple of days as far as withdrawals and ways you occupied your mind from smoking weed. How long have your tbreaks lasted?


Well-Known Member
ive been smoking every day for almost 2 years and want to take a break.I also have a piss test in 2 1/2 to 3 weeks. I was wondering what I should expect in the first couple of days as far as withdrawals and ways you occupied your mind from smoking weed. How long have your tbreaks lasted?
I take breaks now and then because it's pretty necessary. Wish I could say i had a run like Reefer's, but my longer breaks are usually 4-8 months tops.

That being said... it's really not hard to let go of physically... it's all psychosomatic... if you really want to let it go and you find other things to occupy your time, you won't notice a HUGE difference. The biggest differences that are hard to let go of psychologically are usually how it affects your: a) appetite, and b) sleep.

My advice is, don't go to bed until you're tired. Stay up trolling the internet or whatever. Eventually, you'll be so tired it won't matter that you didn't smoke. Then you'll still sleep easily. If you try to go to bed when you normally would, you'll probably find you have a lot of extra energy and it can be hard to settle down. Unless you're filling your extra time with a lot of cardio workouts, which will balance everything really well.

As for food, just eat when you feel like it. It's okay to fast sometimes. Taking a break from food will help you appreciate your food more if you are used to smoking before eating. After nit-picking about food for long enough, your body suddenly goes "WOOOOSH gimme lots of food." That's your appetite returning.

Again, the same applies to food, if you want to nip both problems in the bud, (no pun intended) just do a lot of exercise. You'll be starving and sleepy before you know it.

The rest is all bullshit psychologically stuff that's pretty easy to handle if you REALLY want to take a break. You have to really want it though, or you'll just come up with some mood swings or some bullshit like that to convince yourself you "need" to smoke, when in actuality you simply don't have something to do and aren't coping with boredom well. So, fill your time, somehow. Video games if you don't feel like being active, for instance. It's good to pick up a new game with an engaging plot or something.

But I can't stress enough that the best cure for boredom, lack of appetite, lack of sleep... it's all exercise. Do something physically active. Stoners are used to taxing their body through smoking. Smoking makes a cardio activity out of sitting around. We just don't think about it that way. But it is. Think about how much more you breathe, and how much more heavily you breathe, due to coughing the shit out of your throat hit after hit. That is a lot of exercise. So just keep giving your body what it wants, find another way to exercise.


P.S. All of the advice is coming from someone who has been on a break for the last two months, roughly. Waiting for my crop to finish, and I live in a remote place now, don't have any local connections.


Well-Known Member
Clarity is nice. Don't make a bigger deal in your mind than it is. There is no withdrawl with's not an opiate. You might even be suprised and find that after your break you don't enjoy blazing very much anymore. Sleeping might be tough for a bit was for me. A tab of Tylenol PM works wonders for that. I'd stay off of here myself......all the pics and whatnot prob won't help :).


New Member
I have not smoked in 3 weeks because I am between crops. I have budz in my closet but they are not ready yet 5 more weeks or so. Also I am looking for a job and I am sure I will have to pass a test. I have had no withdrawal symptoms to speak of. In fact, I have lost weight and in general have not experienced any change at all. I agree with Altar, it is mostly psychosomatic. I had also stopped for 13 year in 1997 until 2009, IMHO marijuana has no withdrawal effects at all. Except just wanting to get high.
I just don't get as high anymore as I used to and I want a decent job. I have half an ounce left but don't want to smoke it. It doesn't bother me being around it, I just love getting high. Weed has been my refuge for a long time.


Well-Known Member
For me, no marijuana equals no sleep and no control over my anger. And I am without her. For me it's terrible.


Well-Known Member
I'm attempting a one week break right now. I've been using for three years on a daily basis. I'm on my second day. I've noticed the sleep problems because I'm used to using it to help me sleep. I also find that I get bored easily. I need to keep busy, maybe I should spend more time cleaning my messy house. I'm hoping to decrease my tolerance so that I can experience the full effect of the four Strawberry Cough plants I have in my tent right now. At this point I find that even smoking bubble hash doesn't have much effect, so I think I really need a break.