Tolerance Level Of Shrooms Please Help!


hey guys i tried shrooms about 4 days ago for my first time. it was amazing i ate 2 grams and had lots of fun. i want to do it again but ive heard to wait about a week to do it again but im getting mixed opinion on wether it will be good or not. i am about 6 foot tall and very slender and healthy any replies would be appreciated thank you:peace:


Well-Known Member
haha this isnt a dating site man, make some tea with about 4 grams and youll be set, you can do shrooms as often as you want or as much as your brain can handle


Well-Known Member
You should be fine, it might not be as intense as before, it never is. your body gets used to the 'shift' so to speak, some of the excitement is gone each time because your body learns to know what the high is. 4 days though, I tend to wait a week IF anything, but 4 days when only having done 2 grams, you'll be fine.


Active Member
If it's within a week I'd Double the dose (unless you just did a crazy amount which I don't have experience in).
You'll feel it but won't be as intense.

I wish I had some more shrooms right now. I ate the last of mine at Jane's Addiction this weekend.


Active Member
hey guys i tried shrooms about 4 days ago for my first time. it was amazing i ate 2 grams and had lots of fun. i want to do it again but ive heard to wait about a week to do it again but im getting mixed opinion on wether it will be good or not. i am about 6 foot tall and very slender and healthy any replies would be appreciated thank you:peace:
Eat at least an 1/8th next time u will have more fun.