tomato feed


Active Member
I have heard that too, but considering it's among the cheapest thing on the shelves, I stayed away from it (just in case)


Well-Known Member
Most 'bloom' products that claim to be formulated especially for Cannabis plants tend to be glorified tomato feeds.

Tomato feed is good during the flowering phase - it makes more potassium available to the plant which normally results in bigger buds.

It's fine to use for Cannabis.

grow space

Well-Known Member
tomato nutes are just exellent-cas every tomato fert what is good 4 the tomato is good 4 MJ.i myself use organic cuecumber and tomato vegge food-keeps my plant healthy and green.

grow space

Well-Known Member
as much as the label says-never try to to your own shit at the start-slightly increase the dosages of feed if your 100% shure of it.


i use tomato feed m8 and my plants are nice and green . but also u can use 3 teabags in cold water and then drain the tea bags so uve just the cold tea left then give them taht every day. thats good nutes i got told of an expericened grower. ;)


not sure m8 my friend does it and told me to do it cuase it wurks for him =) so just sharen my tips with use guys :) awwww haha


Well-Known Member
I have heard that too, but considering it's among the cheapest thing on the shelves, I stayed away from it (just in case)
that, my friend, is exactly what the folks at the nutrient companies are hoping youll think. hell, most sweetner/carbo-load additives are just mollasses made more water soluble @ $25+ a quart

check out whats in you expensive nutes for growing pot, then compare them to similar products for the commercial agriculture industry at a fraction of the cost.

grow space

Well-Known Member
sorry never used it, but still , on the topic of tomatoe feed-they are as same good as expensive ones, really.i use 2 diffent type of tomatoe food that i feed my plants with once a is regular vegge feed with high N and the other is similar only with mini nutrients as well(like mg, fe, ....)