tomato food nutes or rose food nutes? please help before they die


Active Member
i need to get some nutes for my trying to kick start it into flowering but the only places i can get shit is walmart, lowes or homedepot..the stores only sell miracle gro but someone told me miracle gro rose food or tomato food will work, what should i choose for early early flowering

1749e40c-d928-4ed0-94bd-6c395b83d866_300.jpg rose plant food 18-24-16

073561000420xl.jpg tomato plant food 18-18-21


Well-Known Member
I have had to use MG before, and had a decent harvest. I use the green box for veg. and they make a bloom booster type i used for flowering. I dont recommend MG nutes, but sometimes we have to do what we have to do. I only used them 1 grow cause I was penniless :p


Active Member
What about buying the smallest container of MG you can find, and doing just a small feeding until your mail order stuff arrives?


Well-Known Member
I use MG and I use what I get for bloom from Lowles hardware.
Click on my signature and tell me how poorly my plants are doing because of it...
I smoke weed I go against the grain on some things in life that non smokers most likely wouldn't.
Pictures are worth a thousand words right?
Oh yea.... you don't Kick start a plant to bloom using nutes.
The light schedual does.

Out side Mother nature handles it for you.

Inside you do by changing the time the lights are on.
During Veg you run your lights either 24-7 or 18-6. Inside
To go to Bloom you go 12-12 for 8-9 weeks. Inside
Do you have any pics of the plants or how old are they ect.


Active Member
Go to for some good prices, how old is the plant? miracle grow will work but it's very cheap.
i need to get some nutes for my trying to kick start it into flowering but the only places i can get shit is walmart, lowes or homedepot..the stores only sell miracle gro but someone told me miracle gro rose food or tomato food will work, what should i choose for early early flowering

View attachment 1779435 rose plant food 18-24-16

View attachment 1779438 tomato plant food 18-18-21
But even better for kick starting flowering is 'Sulphate of Potash' which will be in your garden section of Walmart no doubt. I am presuming your in soil?


Active Member
As mentioned above, Miracle grow has a box at most any place that sells the standard Miracle grow.

There is no shame in using it at all.. as long as you read ALL directions on the box and the leaves on the plant, you will be fine and the plant won't be none the wiser.

One of the biggest problems with Miracle grow is they put their outdoor feeding instructions in big bold print on all their boxes. So people add a tbsp of product instead of the tsp it calls for in small print for indoor plants in pots.

On the bloom booster box, the indoor instructions are actually on the inside of the lid, and the outside instructions just say 'general use' .. but then on the inside under the flap it says 'for indoor plants, only use xxx amnt etc'. But if you just read the back and follow their 'general' directions, you are going to seriously burn your plants a few feedings in. *look for 'indoor' instructions.. hidden.. sometimes it seems like a secret.. but it's there.