Tom's 400 watt Growing Odyssey


Well-Known Member

Great job, I will be watching this one for sure

How long have you been using the HC Bushmaster stuff for flowering?

So you have grape, HC purple max, HC county gravity, when are you using these guys and how often?

I am just using some super thrive, Tiger Bloom, Fox Farm Big Bloom & some Black Stripe Molasses

I have been out of the game for a few years and just looking for different advise on what is working for folks




Hey Tom, I just got done reading your 250w journal and I must say that purple beast you had was a thing of absolute beauty. I am a bit biased when it comes to pot, I see beauty in it because of the properties it has, but that plant would rival even the most beautiful of orchids or roses.


Well-Known Member
Hey Tom, I just got done reading your 250w journal and I must say that purple beast you had was a thing of absolute beauty. I am a bit biased when it comes to pot, I see beauty in it because of the properties it has, but that plant would rival even the most beautiful of orchids or roses.
Well said :clap:


Active Member
Hey there Tom I was wondering how the purple maxx and sweet grape are treating the girls. Do you like those products?


Well-Known Member
Sorry guys I lent out the camera to someone so I can't take any pics for a few days
I will have a huge update once the camera is back in my possession
Sorry about that guys, thank you all for sticking around patiently :bigjoint::peace:

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
No worries man i have been seeing you around in other threads so i figured you were helping out others, always nice to see, cant wait for the update i will be looking forward to it.



Active Member
Whattap effective is your carbon filter? or is it still too early to tell?...Ona gel failed or me and i need to carbon scrub the air...the thing is this is gonna be my last grow until i get everthing in my life set and get a house....i wanna grow outdoors like you man. with that said i dont wanna spend too much so diy would be the next best you have a cost sheet and plans for your diy carbon filter?


Well-Known Member
Here are some purple clones that were cut 4 days ago. The 5 are being fed Thrive Alive B-1 at 2 1/2 teaspoons per gallon.

This is a 3 liter ebb and flow that is now housing three purple clones. They just went into flowering today. They are being fed 1 ml. of hydroplex, 3ml. of Flora micro, and 6ml. of Flora bloom per 3/4 gallon. 552 ppm 5.8 pH

This is the newly started Great White Shark seedling from Greenhouse Seeds. It sprouted yesterday. It is in a 1 1/2 gallon DWC container and is being fed 1/2 strength BC Boost and BC Grow at 317 ppm and 5.8 pH

This is the less purple phenotype of the purple seeds I have. Still has some color but not nearly as much as the other one. It has been in flower for 9 weeks and 4 days. It is 17-18" tall and is being flushed. Oddly enough this plant is a lot thicker even though it was flowered under 70 watts of HPS for about 7 weeks.

This is the more purple phenotype of the purple seeds. Either that or the purple maxx that I fed her helped the leaves turn more purple. She has also been flowering for 9 weeks and 4 days. She is a little taller at 21-22" tall. She too is being flushed

Here is a picture of both plants to see the differences. By the way these are the last two soil plants in my garden. I have totally converted to hydro which I am happy about :bigjoint:

Here are the horribly burned DWC plants. There are getting a little chunky but it is hard to tell under the HPS. If the container wasn't so big I would take them out but it is kind of a pain in the ass. I will get some better pics of them in a few days. They have been flowering for 6 weeks and 2 days. I have been trying to follow the Lucas formula with Flora micro and Flora bloom but I am struggling as the pics will show you. The ppm's are at 900 going to be lowered soon

This is my new setup with the 70 watt HPS, I have gone vertical 8-) I am using 4 two liter bottles filled with hydroton, ebb and flow style using an air pump. They all have two purple clones in each except one, another clone from the pics above will be added to the bottle with only one clone. They are being fed 4 ml. Flora micro, 8ml. of Flora bloom, and 4ml. of cal-mag +. 654 ppm and 5.8 pH

Here are pics of how I am cooling the 70 watt HPS. The bulb is housed in the clear glass tube and there is a cpu fan blowing air over the bulb and out of the cab. Temps are staying a little too high for me so I will be upgrading the exhaust cpu fan under the bulb.

Sorry about the long wait guys. I hope you all enjoy the pics :-D Have a good one everyone! :leaf:



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the update Tom.
All looks good, well other than the burnt ones but that's growing hey?
Those girls in the soil that are almost ready look nice and tasty.
Looking forward the Great White Shark too.
I've been hanging to grow one of them just haven't got around to it yet.
I reckon it's a top strain and will make a great addition to your family.
Loving the 70w vert', a better form of extraction will improve temps for sure.
All the best.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the update Tom.
All looks good, well other than the burnt ones but that's growing hey?
Those girls in the soil that are almost ready look nice and tasty.
Looking forward the Great White Shark too.
I've been hanging to grow one of them just haven't got around to it yet.
I reckon it's a top strain and will make a great addition to your family.
Loving the 70w vert', a better form of extraction will improve temps for sure.
All the best.
Yeah those burnt ones look pretty bad but underneath those burnt crispy leaves is some nice buddage with crystal covered calyxes. I have have this Great White Shark seed for some time and have been really looking forward to getting her going. I think that I will be doing a small ebb and flow SOG in 5.5 inch pots. Should be pretty nice. And on the 70 watt HPS, I am really liking it this way. The only thing is that I have the computer fan wired up to an old cell phone charger so the fan isn't running at full speed. I am going to be buying a bigger computer fan and 12v adapter so that the fans can run at full speed. The two clones surrounding the bulb have been in there for a week today and have been under 12/12 lighting. I just took some pics of some of my harvests. Check it out:

Here are some pics of the harvest I got off of my last Church plant that was grown in soil. I took really bad care of that plant and didn't get the best harvest. :cry:

This is the harvest (with the exception of a couple buds that I tried out after it dried out) that I got off of the purple plant that was grown in a DIY 3 liter ebb and flow system. It was flowered under 70 watts of HPS throughout its entire flowering period

Here is a bud from the one of the outdoor plants. The bud from them turned out real nice, my first outdoor harvest was excellent!




Well-Known Member
Looks like you got a hold of a camera, Cool update.
Those are some tasty lookin nug shots too.

I guess you harvested the girls outside, did I miss that?
Anyway you mentioned you were going to upgrade the fan in the vert.
You may want to check out those twister fans, did I get you a link already?