$toney Montana's Dutch Passion BLUEBERRY grow


Well-Known Member
3 out of 6 got MALE pollen sacs on them!!!! It's only like one every here and there BUT they are there>???????? What to do now??? Alot of people will probably say kill em and start over but they still look really female with tons of hairs??? I don't know what to do. The pollen sacs are not like typical pollen sacs all bunched up like bananas but just one single flower that opens?? Could these be flowers?? Does marijuana have little green single flowers that open or am I fuckin stupid and fucked??? HELP!!!! I ain't got a picture either..... Sorry


Well-Known Member
pull them off any where you see them best use tweezers . keep an eye on them . have you stressed them any? thats why i had mentioned before about going alittle lite on the nutes, they are sensitive plants. keep an eye on them daily and as soon as a banana stiks out pull it. dont let that thing open up with fan blowing on it.


Well-Known Member
but under where your little buds shoot out like in the crutch under neath that there are tiny like almost one pollen sac if you have ever watched male pollen sacs grow they drop down on like a lil string . well there is one here one there not all bunched togerther and they open to look like pollen sacs or sac cause there is only one


Well-Known Member
I was looking real close at them today and there is some places where there is seeds starting . Not alot but there are. I really did not do anything to stress them light , air and water have been perfect??? I will keep pullin the male parts off hoping that I will get some viable buds in the end??? WHat the FUCK!!!!!

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
For your next batch get a small container of dutch master reverse and hit them once at the begging of flowering--you will have zero herms--there are some strains that are more problematic than others.-You shouldn't have too many problems with the bluberry unless the seed line came from selfed feminized seed stock--and as already stated some strains are sensitive to stress and produce pollen. Plants look healthy---keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
are you sure thier male , you would need 35 mm cam. with zoom lens to pic it so forget that. if it is male pull it . male flowers are skinnier and mess up lookin , but that banana that it comes out of will open in about 4 ,peels bak. flowers in the middle


Well-Known Member
it has seeds because you said you pollenated it with a male, rite:spew:just keep an eye on it and do wat toyu can.


Well-Known Member
dude, if they are handing like that and are flowers, those are probably definitely herms. be gentle with them but pluck them off so they don't fuck you're buds.


Well-Known Member
pluk them off ,its happened to me before , more than once, keep them pluked.and ripp thier nuts off if you see any hangin.haha.you wont get many seeds though as long as you do your homework.


Well-Known Member
I can't really from those pictures if thats male flowers or just early bud site. but yes, if you can keep up and keep all the male flowers off, you should be fine. just catch them before they open up and pollenate everywhere.


Well-Known Member
you plants look beautiful though. they really might just be filling out. but if there aren't any hairs coming out at those spots, then I would say, they're probably the male flower. do a search for male flowers and look at some pictures to see if it its the same as what you got.


Well-Known Member
usually a yellow dik wil stik out first , then cut its dik off . befor he pulls the skin bak, haha. your good, just need a daily maitenance. a few seeds aint gonna do shit anyway its way early in flowering to worry.


Well-Known Member
I have done this a few times but never got a hermie it is like 4 out of 6 here.. I know that I did nothing wrong, so it must be in the genes of this batch??? I will pick those bitches off one at a time, will my buds be smaller?? Also I have a few seeds already starting from the other male that I left for that reason so I know what seed pods look like and those are not it...


Well-Known Member
oh yeah, I forgot you had males already. well if you're going to clone, you should clone the ones that arent herms. then your next batch will be herm/seed free!


Well-Known Member
I would completely dispose with the Hermies if you were wanting good smoke out of it, and separate from the strait females if you want to keep them for seeds or whatever. It could have been genetics, it could have just been an unlucky batch of seeds that came from an underfed stressed mother too (it happens some times), there could have been some unknown stress factor to them that wouldn't inhibit growth, unless you had constant check on all the variable environments and mediums. If you are really confident that your grow was consistently perfect environment wise, call the seed bank and demand compensation! Otherwise, you might want to check into the hormonal science behind the plants to see what caused the reaction/Genetics....


Well-Known Member
i had hermes on some feminized blueb. once before. someone said in a thread the other day that they heard dutchpass. is being rumored to be herme breeders. i fukin sure hope not because i have stak of pacs of the bb i bought last month. i think i'm gonna switch to sensi and serious seeds.grew wite russian before , it was perfect ,very intox.
your coo stoney , hell ther aint enough bud on it to make a good joint , just be glad you found out now instead 2 weeks from now, then youd have problems.