Tonights Oklahoma sunset.

I'm sitting out on the back deck listening to a fox bark his damn head off :mrgreen:. I've been screwing with him using a predator call for an hour and he's all fired up. I gotta be careful doing it though because there's a big bobcat around and he'll come in to check out the call too. I'm not trying to hunt, just playing with the fox
I'm sitting out on the back deck listening to a fox bark his damn head off :mrgreen:. I've been screwing with him using a predator call for an hour and he's all fired up. I gotta be careful doing it though because there's a big bobcat around and he'll come in to check out the call too. I'm not trying to hunt, just playing with the fox
Hahah!... I have RoadRunners nesting around here. When I see one, I'll play a female Youtube call on my ph.. and he goes nuts. Sometimes coming right near me.
I do that with the Carolina Wrens and they damn near dive bomb me, too funny. I have a bunch of bird feeders I have to put out and take in because it's bear food. I saw Road Runners at Mesa, AZ when I was at the Boeing Aviation plant for school. They are bad ass birds. I've got a bird call app and a predator call for hunting app that I use. Like I said though, around here I need to keep my head on a swivel cuz you don't know what's coming to the predator call. Bears will show up on occasion just to check them out. That sucks when it's dark and you're high :bigjoint:.
Hope you got power back up quickly. We lose ours a fair amount due to trees on power lines but usually get it back fairly fast, in a few hours. Nothing worse than no running water. I keep turning on the faucet out of habit and being surprised it still isn't working, duh.
Hope you got power back up quickly. We lose ours a fair amount due to trees on power lines but usually get it back fairly fast, in a few hours. Nothing worse than no running water. I keep turning on the faucet out of habit and being surprised it still isn't working, duh.
It was out for about an hour. They really can’t get out in the middle of a strong thunderstorm to fix it till it passes, but Cotton Electric is very good about returning service asap.
I have a lot of turkey around here. I have an old clothes dryer I use from time to time that has a bad wheel giving off metal on metal sounds in a weird rhythm. Brings them in. Must sound like a turkey orgy in the woods.
I hear a Tom almost every evening this time of year. I have a Whipper Will that's just on my tree line every night calling for a female. I got on my phone to find male calls.. I played it, and he disappeared. I guess he figured there was too much competition in the area, and moved on.
This site is good for bird calls, they have an alphabetical search you can use to find pretty much any bird. There have been one or two they didn't have but they have most. I drive the birds in my woods crazy with this and my turkey calls. Gives me something to do when I'm feeding the feral cats every night for 30 minutes.
