I finished my initial LST last night, so just wanted to update on how well it's going.
I seriously can't thank you guys enough. This is not only going to solve my height issue, but the plant is getting so much more light to so many more tips now that they're all the same height. I'm so fucking excited about this grow now!
It's easier to show it than describe it, so here's what I've got so far:

Here it is in the veg tent prior to doing any LST. About 22" tall here.

This is my first bend. I attached the main stem near the base and then bent the whole thing over about half way up. I couldn't bend it too far since the stem was about 3/8" thick and pretty rigid. I really didn't want to snap it right at the base. This only reduced the height a couple inches and made the plant quite lop sided. I wanted to do more but was a couple days from the next watering so I decided to wait until then so it would be easier to bend.

This is the first or second day in the flower tent. It's hard to see the main stem bent over here cause the pic is a bit dark. But you can see the side branches reaching straight up for the light now.

This is last night after finishing the initial LST. The top of the main stem was bent down and at about 90deg angle back to the edge of the container. All of the big branches are tied down around the edge of the container evenly spaced out. I was planning on only tying down a couple but once I got started it was going so well I had to keep going. I finished about 30 min before lights out so I was concerned about the branches that had leaves bottom side up and thought I would have to do more temporary tying in the morning but then....

This morning all the leaves had righted themselves. I thought it would require more light time to do this so I was surprised it happened overnight.
At this point, the main stem is about 26-27" long, but overall height is only 15"! The tips will probably reach more toward the light today and add another couple inches, but we're talking about reducing the plant height by more than a third. Not only that but now I have an amazing canopy up close to the light vs just one tip up there!