Too DRY??@!?!


Active Member
i just harvested my white widow plant (small plant) and hung it upside down on a string. i have dried it for 4 days and i think its kinda too dry. how do i know if its too dry or ready to cure??


New Member
if the buds are feeling a bit crispy on the outside but moist on the inside its time to jar if they are bone dry you need to rehydrate them


New Member
depends how crispy the outside is ?
they shouldnt be too crispy after 4 days
what temp humidity you drying in


Well-Known Member
You could try paper bag for a day or 2 then jar, otherwise just leave yours jars opne a little longer than normal


Active Member
temp is around 72 - 75 humidity dunno its in my closet thats open and its not too crispy just feel kinda dry and how do i give props to people?


New Member
i'd paper bag for two days then jar it m8 keep a close eye n burp it and move it around a bit regularly to begin with you dont want any mould at this stage in the game


Well-Known Member
I have the same problem. I live in a place where humidity maybe reaches 25% outdoors. I've overdried my buds before too. Like mentioned above, put them on top of each other in a paper bag for a day or so. Next time i'd use a humidifier in your house so that they wont dry out as quick... what exact percentage i'm still trying to find...

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