Too early to sex?


Well-Known Member
does look like a pollen sack.

Good question though... how old is the plant.
USUALLY 3-4 weeks of flower and you get sex traits but you can have them in veg if sexually mature before you flower.

Rob Raw

This plant is approx 4 months old. It has been budding since Saturday, 9/24. I have been able to determine sex in about 5 days after starting the flowering cycle. It was easier when I put 4 plants in at once, the difference was very noticeable. This was started from a regular seed, and it's my first grow. This is the last plant I have from regular seeds, I'm going to be avoiding this in the future by using fem seeds or clones. Possibilty of a male isn't worth the hassle, time or money.


Well-Known Member
looks like its a male to me, because look at the shape....but dont take my word for granted...give a week to ensure the true gender :)

Rob Raw

I will post daily pics of this node and we'll be able to see if it forms pollen sacks or if it opens up and a couple of pistils come out. I'm confident it will be determined by day #5 of flowering.


Well-Known Member
Give it a few more days and it'll show.

Yes 12/12 helps determine things faster but a plant of that age should show sex regardless of light schedules.I hate to agree with others but i would think that by the size of that pod we would see a hair comin out if it was female.Do you have any kind of loop or microscope to get a better look?

Rob Raw

Give it a few more days and it'll show.

Yes 12/12 helps determine things faster but a plant of that age should show sex regardless of light schedules.I hate to agree with others but i would think that by the size of that pod we would see a hair comin out if it was female.Do you have any kind of loop or microscope to get a better look?
The picture at the beginning of this thread is taken through a loupe magnifying glass w/ assistance from the optical zoom on a digital camera. What we are looking at is barely visible w/ the naked eye, it's about the size of the tip of a sharpened pencil, not very large at all. I actually tape my loupe to the lens of my camera after it's zoomed in all the way (otherwise the camera lens moves). I use this more to look at the trichomes on my more mature buds and it works fairly well. The only downfall is that you have to focus by slightly moving the camera closer or farther away.

Rob Raw

This guy got terminated last night... Does anyone have an idea as to how long it takes for pollen sacs to grow and release pollen. I wasn't taking any chances with this guy.